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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Brown

  1. Looooooooooooove it! lol
  2. Looks like you told a pretty funny joke in the 2nd picture there Animal!! I want to hear it lol
  3. totally thought this was going to be Jones' voice CD, but this is cool too .
  4. Might have been a short ban, have you tried joining the server??
  5. Graduation???? Ha ha ha ha, oh Yones .
  7. Happpppppybirthday , congratz on another year dominated .
  8. Nice man , welcome to the truly adult world ha ha ha congratzzzzzz
  9. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool +50 internet points to all involved!
  10. loooooooooool, well played Wells
  11. lol shot it and taking a picture ha ha ha.
  12. your mom is a hotty teachey..... just sayin ;D.
  13. +100 internet points
  14. Brown

    It's been....

    Done and doneeeeeeeee!
  15. Brown

    It's been....

    , nice of you to check in. Alls the same round here. Murdering other units in realism, pubin it up . You know!!!!
  16. happy birthday mate , congratz on another year down! lol.
  17. All hail Sir Smokey Jones Duke of DoD:S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Partying and at my archery club again!!! lol.
  19. thought you said professional highlander.... thought turner had a new combatant .
  20. Name: asdasdasdasd Steam I.D: # 69 "asdasdasdasd" STEAM_0:0:18834262 Reasons for the Ban: Racism Recommended duration of ban: Perma Demo Provided?: N I banned him for a week, needed to get rid of him before he left. He is notorious for it.
  21. On a side note he has been banned 2 other times for similar reasons. Should consider perma ban.
  22. Wow that first bit sounds fuckin difficult and stressful!
  23. Im currently working as a contractor, but I'm studying to join the Vancouver police's SWAT team .
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