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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Brown

  1. Isnt me, is Gardner, but I really wana see this
  2. is that a joke? Do you think this is a fucking game Bunt?!?!?!
  3. Dear Brown 1st MRB We are writing to inform you that your allowance of internet points has been revoked for mentioning the existance of internet points. Yours Sincerely, The Internet Police Fuck! I knew there was a nark in here!!!!! .
  4. Do you accept installments of Internet Points???
  5. Omfg, this is so fantastic! thank you Rijke!!!!!
  6. Loooooooooooool, Bunt you horrible person you
  7. You cannot deny my putting skillz!!!!! Got those lazor eyes. Have you gotten the upgrades yet?? You. Recess. At the playground. Be there, or be square. Fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight
  8. Ohhhhh , yea I agree with mottola. This must be done!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...c=9&st=2000 for the thread
  9. Brown


    For all you homeworld lovers in the unit!! https://www.facebook.com/wewanthomeworld3 Has lots of cool homeworld related stuff in there. Take a look
  10. Sergeant T. Brown, FarCry 3 plox .
  11. Name: Frakfest2013 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:38579966 Reasons for the Ban: Team killed me in spawn, warned him, later on while I was typing, team killed me once again in spawn and fled the server. He has been banned before for the same exact thing. Recommended duration of ban: a week or more please Demo Provided?: Gearheart and Cast were present on the server.
  12. What you offering.... > Cast!!!! lol
  13. Dat 240p resolution!!!!!
  14. But... but... but!! :*(
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/app/227100/ Looks pretty cool, 4 player co-op, zombies..... looks pretty fuckin cool I thinks !
  16. That rhymed, therefor you win sirr
  17. Actually didn't notice that first time through haha, had to rewatch that shit .
  18. Still getting the hang of it, but it has sooooo much potential
  19. http://cheezburger.com/7031874048 I don't think I have big enough balls to ride that fucker .
  20. Brawndo, it's what plants crave
  21. Lol, the screen shots look like a complete shit storm. Looks like it would have been a memorable fight!!!
  22. That doesn't rhyme.. oh wait shit!
  23. Some men just want to watch the world burn.........
  24. Apparently it is the 1st MRB's reckoning ;D
  25. Brown

    L4D2: Versus

    myself, leon st. james, ella, arron, jani and a few other played quite a bit. Message them if you wana get a team going. The fights were usually back and forth.
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