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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Brown

  1. Merry Christmas Goodwin. Good to play DoD with you sirr!
  2. Welcome back MSgt. !!!!
  3. Verry very cute dog!! Congratz!
  4. Wow lady gaga is my hero! what a guy ;D
  5. Yea that was pretty epic "The water is pretty hard!!" ha ha ha ha.
  6. Lol that is.... awesome. I especially like how they're going to give a guy recovering from alcohol poisoning free drinks. Ha ha ha
  7. Brown


    lol hate this game! got to 10.3m, fell, then couldn't get it going again D:
  8. Ha ha ha, sorry my bad!!!
  9. That looks reallly cool . But I really hope they're not going to try and invade Earth 2018 with mp44's.... that would be tragic, unless they are laser mp44's?? Also Morton I love your avatar! I would join that army!!!
  10. Congratz , really hope I make it to then. This is a really great community .
  11. Best of luck over there Cosby, hope to play DoD with you very soon
  12. I generally just use the blue ray on my ps3. Also check out a movie called "Centurion". I thought it was pretty great!
  13. Brown

    Oh Hai :D

    Glad to hear it! Imperium all around is pretty great . Death to the heretic scum!!!!! Also thanks Benson, all thanks to you that I'm here lol.
  14. Brown

    Oh Hai :D

    Sounds uhhhhhhh, interesting??
  15. Brown

    Oh Hai :D

    Thank you, anything important I should know for the site?
  16. You bring up a good point, free beer is generally good beer. But I've had kinds of beer I would rather have never tasted...
  17. A little late to post , but I would have to say Rickard’s Red. Suchhhhh a good beer!
  18. Brown

    Oh Hai :D

    Hello everyone, new to the forum and just wanted to say hi. Anyone want to play DoD hit me up!
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