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Everything posted by Brown

  1. Not nearly as many as dayz as far as I understand. Since it is not a mod, there is no way of importing the nukes or vehicles or weapons that should not be in the game. So I've been playing for probably 3ish months and have only come in contact with 1 maybe 2 hackers, and it was the basic can see you through walls kinda thing. Also people have reported invisable players. Also, just recently there has been an update to their anti-hacking system, so probably less hackers than before. So I'd say pretty few hackers, but probably enough to piss everyone off like other games lol. Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, more people to party up with!!
  2. Thanks giving sale for WarZ, pick it up here https://account.thewarz.com/buy/buy.html The game will be officially released on tuesday, so full map and all that shit, new content they say will be on the way soon after, so new maps, skins, guns and what not . exciting time!!!
  3. Name: "Stripey Fish" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:2433544 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing. Sitting in spawn knifing people, and once told to stop shot 3 people. Recommended duration of ban: Week or so Demo Provided?: N
  4. Uhhhh, it has better graphics. It is hard to tell which one is better. As of right now DayZ has more content, but WarZ people are in beta right now, still making more stuffs. So could be in the next few months warz has more stuff. They are talking about adding vehicles, more guns, more maps, stronghold servers (not 100% what that means) as well as other stuff. So it could potentially be bigger and better than DayZ, but for right now, DayZ is bigger map wise lol. Fuck yea man , come looting with us .
  5. If anyone is interested, WarZ is on sale, for 19.99 I believe. If you are interested link to the website is here https://account.thewarz.com/buy/buy.html Hopefully some new people get it, Allen and myself's trigger fingers are getting tired ;D.
  6. So anyone else have it and wana group up?? ;D. Looking for some teammates to loot with. Got Allen, and Tate is going to get it soonish. Need to get some Raiders together!!
  7. Yea, I'am almost certain im picking this up before 20th of Oct. So Allen I'll message you about a reserved slot so we can fuck up some zombies ;D Also, if anyone is looking for the website to buy, https://account.thewarz.com/preorder/preorder.html
  8. Where do you buy this?!??! looks really good!
  9. Is fixed. Thank you all for the help .
  10. Kk, finally getting around to a complete restart. Deleted everything and currently re-installing DoDS. Will post the outcome ;D. Thank you all for the help!! Hopefully this does the deed .
  11. Yea, all the games work except for DoDS. Going to try the delete everything and start over tonight. Unless someone comes up with something by then ha ha ;D.
  12. Also, it seems my DoDS folder is missing. even though I just installed it??
  13. K I have done all of this except for the verifying cache, when I try and do that it gets up to 12% and then stops. I've left it on for hours and come back and it is still hate 12% .
  14. Kk, the updating fixed the problem of not being able to install it. It is currently installing now. Ill post again with what happens lol.
  15. Just an update, I've tried re-installing DoDS, as well as re-installing steam. But now I cannot even install DoDS anymore .
  16. Name: Travis Brown Rank: Retired Type of issue: Day of defeat wont launch Brief Description of Issue: It was getting an error before, something along the lines of it wont launch, please try again later. I reinstalled it, now it launches, but nothing comes up. On my steam friends, it says I'am in game, but nothing comes up, no errors or anything . Now it is saying "This game is currently unavailable please try again another time" which is what it said in the beginning. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Bryant Supporting Technician:
  17. I don't know for sure, but I figure it wouldn't make much sense not to port over the existing factions.
  18. Already pre-ordered lol. I want that commissar chest sooooo bad!!
  19. Name: |MBF| Silver D4ngle Berry Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:2209579 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing and fleeing Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  20. Name: M!sha№я Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:40154246 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Team killing Demo Provided?: N Comments: Knifed 3 teammates, told to stop and kicked. Came back and shot 4 more people in spawn.
  21. Name: Carmen Electra Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:48563225 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing / disrespect to admins Recommended duration of ban: 1 week or so Demo Provided?: N
  22. Fixed it lol. Sorry .
  23. Name: Travis, Brown Rank: Master Sergeant Type of issue: Vent is being a tit. Brief Description of Issue: "Connected to server but unable to authenticate your login name and password. Make sure you entered the correct global server password or the password for your unique login name. You will be automatically banned if you try connecting with the wrong password several more times, so be sure you have the correct password before you try again. Passwords are case sensitive and must be completely retyped if you are making a change to it. The password will always be displayed as 8 (*'s or dots) even if the actual length of the password is shorter or longer then 8. You should also verify that you entered the correct IP address (or hostname) and Port number. If the port number is wrong you are connecting to the wrong server." Havn't changed anything with vent, dono why it has messed up. Could it be something to do with putting a password on my wifi? that is the only change I've made of late. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  24. Name: dimka.vasya Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:55487217 Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: mic spamming in russian, muted, then started killing people in spawn with mg Demo Provided?: N Comments: N/A
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