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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Brown

  1. Helloooo, I mean Yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. *badass voice* I don't plan on dying Marine!
  3. So............. I'am thinking about giving in and buying this shit... lol. Will anyone help me get started if I buy it?
  4. Yerrrrrrrrrr ;D.
  5. Should have been "why didn't you evolve me, quick change it before he sees!!!!
  6. Name: "Nick the Dick" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:2257755 Reasons for the Ban: Tking, mic spam Recommended duration of ban: 7 days Demo Provided?: N
  7. Name: "JuicyJames" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:14899188 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Seeking out PsychoSteve and spawn killing him every time he spawned, as well as setting up an MG and mowing everyone down when I warned him he would be banned after he was kicked. Demo Provided?: N, Rather, Cpl. Brown were present Comments: He joined with the below to do this team killing --------------------------------------- Name: "Samuel L. Jackson, the Messiah" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:41763051 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing, pretty much the same as juicy, except I only banned for 7 days for his team killing, thinking he was just being a dick, but after seeing that he joined with Juicy with the sole intention of team killing think the ban should be bumped up. Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N, Rather, Cpl. Brown were present
  8. Name: "Pzyko." Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:27409592 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Speed Hacking Demo Provided?: N, It was extremely obvious. Comments: speeding all over the map and what not, killing people. So had to remove him quickly, so no time for demo.
  9. I use logitech g500, dropped about 80 bucks on it? I really like it, fits really nicely, and good all around mouse.
  10. I believe resetting my router and modem worked . I reset my router to factory defaults and am currently passwording everything lol. I will let you know in a few days if anything changes, but as it stands, my ping has dropped back to normal about 60-90 ping, from 600ish lol. thank youuuu
  11. Name: Travis Brown Rank: Master Sergeant Type of issue: Not 100% sure Brief Description of Issue: I've been having a lot of problems with slow internet lately. My ping in DoD:S is somewhere between 300-700ish ping. Other games work fine, but else where internet is slow as well. It may be because of a virus? So if you could recommend a good anti virus, or spyware or whatever lol, Or because I currently do not have a passworded wifi, someone might be stealing my internet? I use a net gear router for my wifi, but am unable to figure out how to put a password on the wifi. Any help that you could give would be fantastic, I currently use norton, but am told that is shit. Also, not sure if it matters, but might help you with helping me figure out whats wrong, but my download speed is between 20-120 kb/s which im pretty sure is very slow? lol. Anyways, just trying to give as much info as possible. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: N. Holland Supporting Technician:
  12. Name: sandman Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:38608216 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing. Warned after he mowed down 2 people in spawn. kicked him for doing it again. Came back and naded abunch of teammates. Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N
  13. Ban removed, was auto ban for spamming the connect button as he thought. Remember to log out please Wittman .
  14. Oh my fuck ;D. and also... clone brown, you know I pwn you .
  15. Name: "Ylid" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:7595477 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing/wounding and then fleeing Recommended duration of ban: a week or so. team wounded about 10 times, and 3 team kills. Demo Provided?: N
  16. I seeeeeeeeeeeee yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ;D ha ha ha
  17. Appreciate it, and I'll see you in the pub tomorrow!
  18. You are only banned for 1 day, to try and get it in your head to be more careful. I explained all of this before I banned you. You also broke the rules by blowing someone up right out of spawn, and pornographic sprays. Live out the day ban and come back tomorrow with a better mind set.
  19. Name: "Mr. CoolGuy" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:28301381 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional team killing. Joined the server, and began mowing people down with the thompson. Had no intention of actually playing. duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N
  20. Name: Atos PrimeTM Steam I.D: 0:1:50057294 Reasons for the Ban: Massive amounts of team killing. believe he was -10 and obviously just out to team kill Recommended duration of ban: definitely perm Demo Provided?: N
  21. lol, forgive meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and take me along!!! ;D
  22. Mic spamming is when (trolling or not) one or more people are talking a lot about things not pertaining to the game. If you're having problems like this, you must contact one of our admins. Any SSgt. or higher should be able to help you and quiet them down.
  23. Hello Igorhard, if you'd like to be unbanned from one or both of our servers, please use the following format. Unban Request Topic Title ex. Unban Request :: YourName [b]Name:[/b] [b]Steam I.D:[/b] [b]Date & Time of ban:[/b] [b]Admin who banned you:[/b] [b]Excuse for the Unban:[/b] If you do not, it is much more difficult for us to help you.
  24. was banned automatically, removed him from the list.
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