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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Brown

  1. Fantastic video Branem ha ha ha. Best part tho, was at the very end, all quiet..... All you hear is Damon "Son of a bitch.." Sooooo good! lol.
  2. Don't like Ellen lol, but that was very amusing .
  3. Name: [bC] Crackers Steam I.D: "[bC] Crackers" STEAM_0:0:17323146 Reasons for the Ban: Setting up MG and killing teammates in spawn Recommended duration of ban: Perm. Demo Provided?: N
  4. Lol Aye aye sir, will begin work!!! .
  5. Damnnnn, great deal . Sounds like it's going to work out I thinks!
  6. Name: bigge Steam I.D: # 594 "bigge" STEAM_0:0:11499819 Reasons for the Ban: Mass team killing, then fleeing server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week. Demo Provided?: N Not sure if I got him before he left or not, cause map was changing.
  7. Congratz man!!! So happy for you
  8. Sadly, looks a little sloppy compared to a lot of the games out there .
  9. LOL, damn...... That made my brain hurt for a second there. Ford please yell some sense at herrrr!
  10. Lol, Elf otherwise known as "33" ha ha
  11. You son of a bitch! lol. Nice lookin car m8 !
  12. Name: jimhaddon | hg Steam I.D: # 355 "jimhaddon | hg" STEAM_0:1:11123744 Reasons for the Ban: Spawn killing and leaving Recommended duration of ban: Officers choice. Demo Provided?: N
  13. Winnarrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  14. Ha ha ha, were is Maines!?! need him here to complete the triforce lol Not sure if that would be very funny, or get very annoying lol.
  15. Fawkin saved!
  16. Brown


    Dear god....... they're real! Gents grab your brooms their our only hope!!!
  17. Like I said, if the CS don't find any legitimacy to the ban, I don't mind it being over turned.
  18. Yes! let them all enlist!!!!! Branem you dog you!!! ;D
  19. Name: Do you like GUNDAM?? Steam I.D: # 687 "Do you like GUNDAM??" STEAM_0:1:43193915 Reasons for the Ban: Wall hacking Demo Provided?: Y http://www.mediafire.com/file/17fsu3oycq38w1n/gundam.dem Comments: People were asking about him suspecting him of walling (sent in PM format) So I speced him and figured there was some merit to everyone suspicions. I report this for officers choice on the matter because while i"m fairly certain of the walling, you (the command staff) may see other wise. If you have trouble with getting the demo it's because its the first time ive done this so just let me know if it's not working.
  20. Brown


    and Check em
  21. Kababear And me..... Brownie, brown town, Trav, Chester (what they call me at the bar I frequent don't ask me why, think that's about it ha ha ha
  22. Fairly small collection since I just stared lol. Rifles: Mosin Nagant Model 1891 with Bent Bolt 7.62x54mm Savage Model 111 Package Rifle Handguns: Glock 17 9mm with K.P.O.S. Glock Conversion (would really recommend the conversion, absolutely fantastic!) As you can probably see, my Glock is the favorite of the group lol.
  23. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/562097 Some one was asking about it. Very funny, check it out!!!
  24. So good , we're awesome at singing happy birthday..... ha ha ha ha ha
  25. OMG, happy birthday m8! Have a drink for me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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