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Magic 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Magic 1st MRB

  1. So I haven't been around for a long time, but I joined the Air Force 3 years ago. I know there might be some younger people here who are thinking of going that route and I'd be happy to answer any questions. For me, it was a great choice - I had just finished college and wasn't looking to do my major for a career. I'm from up north where joining the military has a stigma about it being a terrible job with low quality of life - but that is not completely true. Each branch of the military and the specific shop you work in embody different life styles. I have a great chain of command, supervisors, airmen and a base that takes care of you/your family. I also have friends in other jobs/branches that have to embrace the suck. It is luck of the draw how it might end up for you, but if you do research - you can stack the deck. For 4 years, it's also a pretty damn legit transition to adult life. Pay is damn great for anyone coming out of high school (even college). The benefits are great and are worth $$. I'm pretty reachable through steam rather than on these forums if anyone wants more information.
  2. STEAM_0:1:73828038 [U:1:147656077]
  3. STEAM_0:1:61762086 [U:1:123524173]
  4. Name: Captain Cat Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:184613338 [U:1:369226677] ||||| Possibly: STEAM_0:0:183558828 (Last Connect:Sep 30, 2016, same name, same country, both unfinished player profiles) Reasons for the Ban: Rampant Teamkilling. Joined when there were no admins on twice. And left server as soon as one joined. ~150 TKs today. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: No http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_histories/events/219228
  5. Name: PandaPandaPandaPanda Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:178611168 Reasons for the Ban: Aimbotting - Very obvious. Recommended duration of ban: Please change ban to Permanent. Currently banned for 1 day. Demo Provided?: No. Took a Demo but upon playback it crashes my game after 5 seconds every time so it is useless. Players's Profile: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/212576
  6. First time on new site, nice job Yama!
  7. Thanks bros <3 This makes 5 years?
  8. Name:RaCeRiOt Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:31132460 Reasons for the Ban:Was called to the pub and player had a score of -54 Recommended duration of ban: Was banned for 1 week, please make it 3 months or longer. Demo Provided?: No, Gameme history should suffice: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...s/events/146103 -------------------------- Name:Turdo Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:31116097 Reasons for the Ban:Was called to the pub and player had a score of -45 Recommended duration of ban:Was banned for 1 week, please make it 3 months or longer. Demo Provided?: No, Gameme history should suffice: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...es/events/99325
  9. A big reason why a lot of the country governments don't want Greece to leave is because it is a big social experiment. To see if our world can take the next step toward a united government. Of course problems would arise on the way, but the point was to see how they were handled. A few things this video didn't mention was the unemployment rate of Greece. It is something like 50% for people under 25. And 26% nationally. That is worse than the great depression the US had. Greeks just had a population vote to go back to drachma (80% voted no, but it was a loaded question). Greeks have a CULTURE around avoiding paying taxes and it has been this way for some time now. Corruption is HUUUGE in greece. Also last biggest point is that Greece lied about its financials when attempting to enter the euro. If they were honest they wouldn't of been accepted. The ECB can't force Greece to stop using the euro. That would be hard and would take an extreme amount of effort, they kinda can kick Greece out of the EU tho. The way iceland fixed its problems would be a similar fix for Greece. They'd need to freeze all nation banks so people can't withdraw money. Convert themselves back into the drachma, print a SHITTON of drachmas to pay off its debts (and be super inflated) and then steadily make their way back to a normal economy. A great thing for greece is that it is a super known tourist spot. So it'd be a very cheap tourist destination which would help Greece get back on its feet faster. However if Greece doesn't convert away to the drachma, they would hurt the rest of the EU as well. The Greece are using this as a card on their side of the table so they can negotiate for better terms of austerity for themselves. The problem is both sides are looking to protect themselves first rather than fixing the big picture. And that was against the point of the EU. Either the EU will eventually break down, or every country will accept the bigger picture and allow for an EU legislature (like the video explained).
  10. We realism on it all the time (its a great map for realism), but it's choke point is worse than flash's. So I personally wouldn't switch to it on the pub
  11. Great man will be missed.
  12. Well I mean, I'm extremely happy we've been doing all this testing. All that data gathered has definitely benefited our understanding of nuclear physics and how it affects our environment. Atleast all the countries been doing it in safe areas for testing (deep underground, in the sea, completely unpopulated military areas). The endgame of all nuclear power research is cold fusion (ie fusion that doesn't need to be in 10 billion kelvin) which would provide ridiculous amounts of power for extremely little downside. If only everyone wasn't so scared of nuclear power, humanity's future would be much brighter.
  13. Happy birthday my friend
  14. Name:Arachnid Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:6122950 Date & Time of ban: 6 Months previous Admin who banned you: N/A Reason we should Unban: I am no longer in the 1st SAS (It has died) and would like an unban. Never took part in any trolling. For reference this was my previous unban report: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...c=30734&hl= Magic note: Arachnid asked for me to post this since there is an issue with his account.
  15. Nice post! thanks for sharing Important nades to remember if you dont look at the others: the one at 0:00, and at 1:20.
  16. Thanks for sharing the video. This reminds me of my only day I've ever skated. Story time: At the end of highschool a few of my friends were skaters/longboarders so they wanted to teach me how to skate. I of course for some reason said sure and I got picked up and went to this neighborhood-on-a-hill. At the very top of the hill there was a Cul de Sac, and I was given a skateboard and I learned to move on my own and turn by leaning the skateboard/my body. I didn't need any protective gear other than some gloves and my tshirt because I was all safe in that nice little circular road. By the time lunch rolls around we grab some pizza and they tell me I'm ready to get some real skating lessons. So we go back to the top of the neighborhood and go to the Cul de Sac. This time they tell me to turn around and point me down the street. We go and this fucking street is a huuuge downward slope (20 degree slopes) thats starts ontop of a goddamn mountain and goes 1/2 mile long road that has small twists and turns. The pavement was really smooth tho ill give it that. It was a super-rich neighborhood. They tell me some basic rules: You know how to turn, so do it. If you start going too fast, jump and run it off. If you're about to hit the curb/car, jump and run it off. And with this bible I was left ontop of the hill as the other skated down. I was like *welp* and went off myself. example 20 degree slope for anyone interested. As you start going down you can turn a little as you aren't going too fast. But eventually you just start gaining speed and you keep turning and it seems like it is an easy act. Just push toes and lean body, right? But the confidence soon faded as I felt the beast of the board trying to get out. Once you pick up speed it starts vibrating so hard I thought there was an atom bomb reaching critical mass under my feet. I got scared and jumped off the board. It didn't end there as soon as I touched the ground again my legs went in overdrive mode running faster than humanely possible just attempting to keep myself from falling forward from all of my momentum, and in the end I somehow made it and my board hit a curb and landed in some dudes lawn. Needless to say after a minute long breather, I was completely hooked. I grab my board and continued down the hill and eventually made it down. My friends were waiting and laughed their asses off as they saw me sprinting faster than Usain Bolt down the hill to prevent myself from getting that faceplant. We hiked back up the hill and were ready for round 2. Eventually I got the hang of turning decently fast enough to make it to the end of the road with the others. But there is one thing you guys must understand. I couldn't slow down except for the flat parts of the road. So when you're going down you only have one option: stay on the atomic bomb as long as you can handle it and hope that no car comes up the road unexpectedly. After another half day of going up and down the hill I finally got caught. I was speeding down and a car came up the left side of the road and I had to jump off and run right. My board went under the car and I missed it too, but there was a car parked right in my running trajectory that I hit it at such a speed I did a roll-over the card and landed on the other side of it. I somehow didn't get any injuries other than scraped knees so I finished the rest of the road and at the bottom I called it a day after that and I've never touched a skateboard since. It was an amazing day that I had great fun on but, looking back HOLY FUCK it was the 2nd most dangerous thing I've ever done and I escaped it with negligible injuries when I deserved so much more.
  17. Thanks! We try hard to have good admins on during the entire day to make sure everything is running smoothly.
  18. I know we have people that take notes during Meetings (can be found in Adjutant Office > Clerk's Office ). So any raider that misses a meeting should just read through them.
  19. I got a private server I can give you access to. Just PM me. You can get your own server by hosting it or by paying a company to host it (I use gameservers)
  20. I'll go over how 12 mans works: It is 6v6 with both teams in separate vent channels. It is pub style gameplay with heavy emphasis on flag capping (you win by capping out). 2x 20 min (1x halves on each side). Everyone on the team is going a specific route on the map, and there is alot of people doing calls(enemy positions) in vent. If you don't know what a location is named, you should ask what something is called if you don't know the map. It is very intense and a ton of fun.
  21. Name:Lolkstew, Jake's Big Ass, The Nig Ranger Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:33341590 Reasons for the Ban: Continued Using racial slurs after warning. After a kick warning, came back twice under new names and TK'd me + some more slurs. Recommended duration of ban: Currently 1 week. Please upgrade to 1 Month or higher Demo Provided?: No. Gameme logs: Mar 26, 2015 6:14:14 pm Disconnect left the game [this one I banned him] Mar 26, 2015 6:14:13 pm Team Kill killed teammate United StatesTSgt. S. Magic [1st MRB] with MP44 Assault Rifle dod_donner Mar 26, 2015 6:12:36 pm Disconnect left the game dod_donner Mar 26, 2015 6:12:34 pm Team Kill killed teammate United StatesTSgt. S. Magic [1st MRB] with MP40 Machine Pistol dod_donner Mar 26, 2015 6:12:33 pm Team Kill killed teammate United StatesDeadBot with MP40 Machine Pistol dod_donner Mar 26, 2015 6:11:53 pm Team Kill killed teammate UnknownTristan with Butt Stock Hit dod_donner Mar 26, 2015 6:11:23 pm Team Kill killed teammate AustraliaKILL4SKILL with MP40 Machine Pistol Mar 26, 2015 6:02:06 pm Disconnect left the game dod_donner Mar 26, 2015 6:01:56 pm Team Kill killed teammate United StatesTSgt. S. Magic [1st MRB] with MP40 Machine Pistol Mar 26, 2015 6:01:20 pm Connect connected to the server dod_donner Mar 26, 2015 5:59:04 pm Disconnect left the game [initial kick warning]
  22. OMG never go in with K2o . You crazy fucker. Luck was on your side Also nice Full Tilt Poker, real money is banned over here in the states. NJ recently allowed online poker but you can't connect through a desktop (only through a phone)
  23. Magic 1st MRB


    Hey Lee! Just hop onto the pub server and play around and see if you still like it. Maybe join an realism or two.
  24. The Carbine has no speed limit it could be fired at w/o hacks, could be as fast as an MG. Nice video!
  25. Way back when I was in middle school I played on this server called 'Cantaloupe Island', it was a DoD:S server for a community called Something Awful forums which I am a part of. This Cantaloupe Island server had a couple amazing mods: Teams switched sides after every round win (Axis spawn in allies spawn and vice versa), ghost character slots (showed up at 31/32 always), and a great vote kick mod. Apparently a shitton ton of Cal players played there so growing up in my dods career, I became a decent shot. Then I stopped DODS and played Planetside 1 for 3 years (NC best empire). Then WoW for a time. I have an IRL friend who I played dods/wow with and he wanted to get me back into DoDs so I did 1v1 with him for like a month. He was like a dods CAL player or something, so he was probably == to my skill now. But he stopped playing DoDs and went back to Wow, and I tried out a few dods servers. I went to a (now dead) small unit's server but was eventually banned from there within a couple days, then I tried out the 6th RB server and was banned from there after an hour. I then tried out 1st MRB but I only played for 15 mins. I kept comming back to the 1st MRB over the week cause it was a fun group of people on the mics/chat. I think on the 3rd day here I played for more than an hour and (at this time I was Carbine-only, and with 10 clips, you can be SICK NASTY. As dods devs balanced it out with a limitation of 2 clips but on MRB you have 10 clips, so it is OP on MRB server) and I was hitting really high K:D's. So at one time on the 3rd day I noticed there were like 4 [1st MRB] people in spec, whatever I kept playing. Then two more high ranked admins joined in and stayed in spec (it was Parker and some other WO/CWO). I was super nervous, but I kept killing kids. After a few mins I resigned myself to becoming banned again and I went into a wall and shot into it with my carbine a giant HI and then continued on with my playing. Within a few mins of that HI, most of the admins joined a team/left server and amazingly I wasn't banned..... So I kept coming back to this server cause of the great community. After about 6 months of pubbing Parker msg'd me about joining MRB, but fuck those weapon restrictions! I was a carbine-main even after 6 months. So parker reccomended to me BAR, and I talked to gmoney? and got into BAR. So thanks for not banning me cause I dominated an admin! Probably significantly changed my gaming life due to 1st MRB's fair hacking rules.
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