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Magic 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Magic 1st MRB

  1. Japan (20) USA (21) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (20) England (20) Norway (19) North Korea (18) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (18) Australia (1) Gotta love those accents. Jim Jeffries.
  2. Name: Bob Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:38516677 Reasons for the Ban: Set down MG in spawn and killed half the team at start of round. Recommended duration of ban: Whatever is appropriate. Currently Permabanned. Demo Provided?: No, he was previously kicked as a warning. I was unaware of the new rule to not permaban TK'ers. Rather and Logue were Witnesses for this event.
  3. Hello guys I'm sure many of you have seen me in the server, im currently on eloa and will stay that way for now. School is starting so i will be on much less now. I sorta disappeared last year cause my real life got really bad. Im sure many of you noticed i usually played 5+ hours a day. This was wayyy too much and my grades got bad and my friends started asking me why i didt hang out. I wouldn't say i was addicted, but i just spent so much time playing. Watching this one video really helped me. It's message was "Life is always ready to welcome you back" If anyone else is thinking they might be also playing a little too many video games feel free to pm me anytime and we can talk. oh heres the video: So i just uninstalled most of my games and went cold turkey. Since then my life has taken a great upwards turn. I really enjoy my life now, i have lots of hobbies that i created to fill in the time i played videogames such as cooking, rock climbing and actually talking+ to girls. The main thing i have learned from all this is my life needed balance. I didt have it before but now I do. Talking to my roomate i learned why i played so many video games, it was because my pro/con system was out of wack. I valued the short term fun over long term studying and such. I needed to balance my studies, work, social life, hobbies and fun activites. I do not think i will be comming back into full duty for now but i am adding more video game time per week because i still believe a little is good. Maybe over the summer ill have time to 100% come back if I don't go to europe. TY for celebrating my 2nd birthday in november. Sucks to see we did't beat the officers again in the squad tourny GL to whomever will dethrone me from the marksmanship competition and you will be the next man to have all 3 the competition badges! (unless it happened and i can't find it?) Oh, im 100% the biggest reason why i played so much dods was the community. I've never stuck with a game for (continuously) more than 6 months and this was my 2nd game to ever do that. I was always on for two years. We've had many fun times in the pub, private and vent. 1st game was my 2nd favorite game Planetside 1. I played that for many years and im sure many of you now have tryed out its successor PS2. I dont like it but w/e. You guys are awesome. Peace out to the broken crew, you all leet.
  4. aash asked me to edit his post title after he realized his mistake and was unable to edit it. Just posting if anyone wondered why.
  5. Amazing job Tate
  6. Man I'm so jelly I don't get called a hacker anymore like all you guys!
  7. This is a really long but a great story. About Sexism.
  8. Holy shit We played an EPIC game Goodwin Coogan Magic Hall Legend We were getting our ass handed to us by a really good OP Fizz. We were down to our last one base towers. It all turned around at this moment: A Double Ace. A couple of them already had ending gear and all lvl 18. We were just getting started at turtling. After about 15 mins after that, we won a team fight ( 2 v 4 deaths ) and rushed down mid and got 3 towers. Next time they charged we won again (2 v 4 deaths) and rushed down mid, downed the inhib + 2 base towers and DESTROYED the base nexus thingy. We were like GOGOOG YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSS WTFWTFWTFWTFWTFWTFWTFWTF WE JUST WON ZOMG ZOMG. SOO FUCKING BALLER. OHHHHH AHHHH ..... and then it jsut got turned to all of us screaming into our mics. We failed a surrender vote at 40 mins with 3 for and 2 againt. It was only under legend's and magic's rules to never give up. Never surrender and that is how we persevered and returned with the greatest comeback I have ever had. ( 300 games so far ). I was supreme Lux btw. 600 AP bitches at game's end.
  9. Yeah that is happening in most videos it seems. I too cannot see over long distances cause the people just blend into the surroundings. A little constructive criticism: Don't show u killing the same guy ( the same exact clip ) more than once. Otherwise very good job.
  10. http://en.allexperts.com/q/Basic-Math-657/Math-confusion.htm ITS 9. Work left to right if it is in the same tier.
  11. Valve just makes great games. Almost no other company can regularly make games that are 1/4th as good as Valve. Look a blizzard, they make Diablo 2, and for the next ten years it remains a top 10 computer game and they don't have to do anything.
  12. Question: Why is your shirt still on if your making a porno?
  13. Where has Collazo gone to? Good shit Martinez +Respek
  14. Fuji: My challenge to you. 1 month B tags Same deal as with Panda on Kalt. Mainstreet only, rifle rocket sniper support assault knife
  15. +1 to Evo's Good-Music-Boner!!!
  16. Geto Boys - G Code ( Actually a great song )
  17. Once I'm a TSgt, Ill play you. I Just don't want to lose admin.
  18. I don't thing Parker has ever made bloopers. And we didn't have many laughs anyway. Parker knew what he wanted and we finished fast cause he did not want to keep us. I'm in the process of collecting a fun times with the MRB demos. Once I got a suitable amount I'll get someone to make a video. If you guys got any demos then send them to me.
  19. Woodkid - Iron Awesome wingsuit video with Woodkid Iron song. The Need 4 Speed: Mountain Carving from Phoenix Fly on Vimeo. Starfleet Dental - Pop Muzik Crazytown - Butteryfly ( I love this song ) "Fake Palindromes"- Andrew Bird ( Dont know how u would fit this but its just a good song ) GL
  20. 5/10 I don't understand what is happening and I think its creepy. Like the dark theme tho.
  21. Me and BooBoo love walking on the beach, playing catch, sitting in the shade during a lazy afternoon. Here he is on the beach: Chilling in the shade: Catching a ride on my boat:
  22. Use to do streetfighting. Then I moved to Jersey.
  23. Sir, I think at .04$ per session, you are overvaluing Thomas Edit: Thomas is this you?
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