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Magic 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Magic 1st MRB

  1. What is this "Butts" that you keep track of?
  2. Hmmm, didn't know this was a popular one. I heard it for the first time last week from this transfer student. Here's one I couldn't get: It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die. What is it?
  3. Ive heard this many numerous times. Next Riddle : You die and you arrive in a room with 2 doors. One leads to Hell and the other to Heaven. Next to each door is a figure. Both of these figures look exactly alike. One is an angel *Who always tells the truth* and the other is the devil and *always lies*. You may ask the same question to both of them and you will need to figure out who is who and which door leads to heaven / hell ( you want to go to heaven ). If you guys want I can give a hint later.
  4. Your bitch tags resulting from the Magic Challenge say otherwise.
  5. Next time you'll remember not to be so hasty.
  6. I think I saw about 2 shovels that weren't against AFK / scoped in people? If you do really want to test your mettle The Magic Challenge is always open up to anyone. when I'm on DODS.
  7. how in THE WORLD did you forget motherfucking HONEY MUSTARD!!!! this is unforgivable.
  8. WARNING: Reading this might make real men almost cry. http://imgur.com/gallery/7aSnt I know a good amount of MRB peeps are guys away from their homes at college. I am one of these guys. I randomly got to this image, and now I miss my dog sooo much. I just want to hug and walk the shit out of him. I'm just waiting to go back home for thanksgiving. To all those with their with their pets, hug them fucking right now.
  9. Top 5 Favorite Sports 1. Skydiving 2. Paintball 3. Whitewater canoeing 4. Rockclimbing 5. Football Top 5 Favorite Sports Teams 1. Philadelphia Eagles 2. New York Giants 3. 4. 5.
  10. ahhh Canada and its drinking laws
  11. who calls a cigarette a 'fag'? I'd be punched multiple times a day if i used the word fag instead of cigarette.
  12. I came at 9 and we played 3 man Hide and Seek......
  13. I call being a German propaganda radio in allies spawn...
  14. I'm sad. All of these pictures don't have me in them at all. None. I've played >10 days and no pictures exist of me being dominated ~ This is a challenge to you guys, go though your libraries and post them em!
  15. Name: O RLY / A pair of cycling bibs Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:2664683 Reasons for the Ban: Threw a nade that killed team at spawn at beginning of round. Quit, changed name, rejoined, and again threw nade that killed team in spawn. Recommended duration of ban: Officer's discretion. Demo Provided?: No. Coogan + Cribari are witnesses.
  16. Its clear the major only wants you guys to stop posting cause he wants to stay # 1.
  17. On my way to 105 kids. and I don't spam the threads.
  18. might be missing the or some apostrophe but roughly its "savagery of capitalism do not go unpunished" which makes actual sense and goes along with the picture
  19. Remedy dont pretend to be modest, we all know how much you love being in the top ten with your assault!
  20. OH THE CATANITY why would you post such a thing?
  21. Collazo if u sing us a song ill wear your bitch tags for a month!
  22. wow its always hard to believe that people could do this. I don't really get why he as following her in the first place, also crazy coincidence that this overzealous town watchmen was following her at the exact moment she hit someone.
  23. There's a stone building on the top of the world?!?
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