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Patrick 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Patrick 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Quarterman
  2. Thanks Folks
  3. This is what happens when Magoo has any free time. He finds/makes these wonderful home movies.
  4. Wow Magoo is still alive... and he managed to pawn of his part time hobby as an male ass inspector for a reference for how i used to and still would kick his but in DoD. Good times indeed.
  5. Yeah; Thanks folks for posting. Another year under the belt. Take care.
  6. Happy Belated Birthday man!
  7. Cheating is done at the top level of every sport; to some extent unfortunately.
  8. Happy Belated Birthday man!
  9. I am sure you will go but shout out for Elgin Street Diner. Especially if you love poutine!
  10. I think he was drinking Jameson, good stuff.
  11. I have yet to install it but I have heard good things. Yeah I got it on sale a while back now.
  12. Cool, Cool, Cool.
  13. Happy Birthdays! Hot damn that was a nice pic Parker.
  14. Magoo has got me fixed up. Thanks again guys for your help.
  15. Thanks guys. I have tried to uninstall the old Hud I had a while ago and have since installed the new Hud. No change on load up. I have also used the -autoconfig and didn't change anything either.
  16. Name: L. Patrick Rank: 1st Sgt. Type of issue: Software DODS Brief Description of Issue: When I load the game it gets to the first screen but there are no Icons on the left of the page to select any menus. Even leaving my mouse over where the menu should be does not produce a sound. I have had this issue for at least 1 week. I had previously joined a server but it was through steam and I had to join off friends list. I have verified game cache twice, looking for suggestions at this point. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Small Supporting Technician:
  17. Indeed. Happy Birthday man!
  18. O T Win. Love it. Go Sens Go.
  19. That video was funny at the start(Phone). Then you realize it would take for ever to get anything actually done.
  20. Wouldn't they all have to be legal age to post pictures? Or wouldn't there be some sort of issue around the age issue. Maybe something a little easier like 25 over or under...
  21. That was great. I might have to check them out at Blues Fest in Ottawa.
  22. What are you a Truck or a Van?
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