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Patrick 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Patrick 1st MRB

  1. That was fucking wild, one of the most destroyed legs I have ever seen.
  2. L. Patrick I would like either Skyrimor or Red Orchestra 2 preferably. Thanks for putting this on again.
  3. That was gold, probably as close to Weatherdon as you could get from some one else. Great laugh.
  4. That is a stunning ...dress.
  5. Congratz to the winners, and thanks Cast for putting this on.
  6. Wow that does look like a great concert.
  7. Walkerville Booze for the win. Love their comercials.
  8. Mine are cause by drunkeness so don't really count. Nice one Mackenzie Those are great Dillon. That would be odd to wake up under a mattress.
  9. I think that he is more funny in the pub. I would figure with a personaily like that you would eventually end up on you tube.
  10. Hells yea a draw, nice work Cast. Name: Liam Patick Reason: I love to play games and this looks to be a great one. Currently do not have it and would love a copy. Havn't got it yet as to my aversion of buying brand new games.
  11. That is wack.
  12. Love the F that turned into an A+.
  13. Shhhh, No one needs to hear that.
  14. I will be the parent first... Get that god damned thing outta your ass young man!
  15. Nice, Hahaha Wingate
  16. That must have been one angry curb.
  17. wow Magoo, just wow.
  18. Giving out the whole hersey chocolate bars, thats right I am one of those houses that give the good shit. Anyways its fun seeing the kids costumes all the while mine is out getting me a nice variety that I will raid upon her return. Happy Halloween !!
  19. Fucking cool. I love to see this kind of shit. Necessity is the mother of invention.
  20. Sweet !!
  21. That is actually more common with games nowadays the the cd version is lacking some update so I much prefer to buy on steam as they are usually up to day to beging with and also its great for managing up dates as they arrise. return that cd and get it on steam for cheap.
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