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Patrick 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Patrick 1st MRB

  1. That was fucking awesome...
  2. Hells yeah. Sold at %50 off!.
  3. Im confused, who is the original of you 11? maybe you all came up with the name on your own. Im confused, who is the original of you 11? maybe you all came up with the name on your own.
  4. That was fun, nice work Branem.
  5. If I drank tea or coffee this might be a lazy way to get some shit into you in the morning.
  6. That was hella Fun!
  7. +1 for Chrono Trigger
  8. first time actually, but fun to see some old cs.
  9. Brutal.
  10. Damn, you would think they could have landed a hit with those things.
  11. Hope they have a fast recovery and you can enjoy your trip more.
  12. Happy Birthday Man!
  13. Usual Suspects, Snatch and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels are great movies.
  14. Happy day of birth!
  15. That was cool.
  16. Cool I had this game free with a pack I bought, never tried it due to the subsription, will have to check it out now.
  17. Thanks again for the hard work that went into this great newsletter; its always fun to read. Good Job.
  18. Dear keyboard, I've learned the hard way that you've got T and G too close to each other. Sincerely, I'll never be ending a work email with "Regards" again. great site.
  19. Wow Zhal, Parker makes a strong point with his evidence. Going to have to change my vote next month. Way to go man!
  20. Rocketdude88 has been an unpleasent experiance. The group of douch bag friends he has ,who I seem to have to warn/slash mute every time I happen to join the server, only make Rocketdude88 worse. Said friends of rdude are ex Mr. BM, goldencakes, sniper81 and carton of newports. I could care less about any of these players abilities but rather the atmosphere they seem to bring to the pub all the time. If any one ever tk's them by accident we never hear the end of it and yelling that they will get that player banned. Its just seems to be constant shit with these guys.
  21. Hot damn that was fun to watch. Nice video, Remeber; you gotta call those bad nades.
  22. Well, Fuck. Congratz to Boston.
  23. Have a great one, Happy Birthday.
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