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Patrick 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Patrick 1st MRB

  1. As usual great work, and a great read. thanks again for taking the time and effort to make this great newslettter.
  2. Who knew you could have so much fun with a Telephone Pole.
  3. Thank you for your post. Your sincerity is appreciated. Keep on fraggin in the free world.
  4. Happy Birthday Man!!
  5. Happy Belated Birth Day man!
  6. They got 20 seconds of my time, 20 seconds too long.
  7. Great Job guys and Gal, good read as usual.
  8. Great story man. Congratulations!
  9. Happy Birthday! And Goodluck!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Good for a laugh. Better listening to some others reactions to it though.
  12. Good for a laugh.
  13. Fucking Awesome. people get it im really enjoying it. Then we can co-op this shit!
  14. That was fun to watch. Magoo and his damn ball breaking.
  15. Rarley gets outta hand!.
  16. Boutton that would have been awesome if you burst out laughing at a test.
  17. Way to go 32nd!!! April Fools to you as well.
  18. Nice work, and as always a great read. Way to go 1st MRB.
  19. Nice work Branem
  20. That was intense.
  21. I wanna mark my Teritory!
  22. Thats an aweseome Price Goodwin 10 only got me 4 cans. Drink Drink Drink
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