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Patrick 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Patrick 1st MRB

  1. I am of the mind set that I will go through a few different careers, and along the way plan on enjoying my time as best I can. It is weird how somethings have worked out for me thus far in terms of wanting things/dreams and I find that like a good rolling stones song; you can't always get what you want, but if you try some times you just might find, you get what you need. If anything I could add to Francoeurs message is stay positive about your goals and asperations and you may supprize yourself.
  2. I assebled, and failed at killing allies. I did end up killing a couple of axis with the shovel. Good times though.
  3. Love this game. Put alot of time into it. You start out as a person and end up either ruling an empire or being a Marsshal(general) for a king and go to war in medevil times. You manage towns castles and fiefs. Recruit and promote soldiers and battle from horse back. Its a big time sink but again hella fun. There is a large mod comunity for it as well. Warband was basically made to allow for multi player, which im not a huge fan of. A typical battle that you might have would be your 100 men vs 150 men. Some tweeks allow the battle to have over a thousand sodiers but when I played it the 100vs 100 battles were enough. I would check it out if you would like the idea of being your own person in medivel times trying to make something of yourself. The archery from horseback is very fun also. I could help online also if need be.
  4. Good Posts. I agree that I would much rather play the game and not focus on KDR and try and help the team to win a round. I am constantly dying trying to capture flags/plant/diffuse bombs and will continue to as I feel they are as important or greater than a kill. Far too often a team will get bogged down and become a camp fest. Bold action is required to change the stalemate and I love to be a factor in changing the flow of the game, hopefully in favour of my team. The CoC through my experience has been very fun to play with and everyone’s scores can change in a short period of time. It has never seemed to be an issue in my limited experience in the unit. Happy hunting.
  5. Good read, really like the Badass portions Dillion.
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