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  1. yep... me now band and friends of band annndd groupies... me on stage in Dallas the band (long hair sunglasses blonde on right is me) now for the band models and our posters a show we did was a lot of fun on to some more model pics the girlfriend fuck this team says it all a poster for the banquet my acoustic group neverleft played at benefit show..
  2. dont jump on the officers bandwagon yet you aint seen me in action yet, 2/2 all the way or whatever squad im in anyway. lolol whichever one im in we will win, hooah for my RL brothers in arms and Oorah for my brothers in digital arms
  3. thats retarded heres some real metal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSJonR0LSL8
  4. yeah 2lt. Gooderham i started out my first week of 1.3 on those servers and the PM 24/7 Caen Server, i miss them, park i never said he was the best leader but he was better than anyone else i had at the time.
  5. I've been playing realism since the 1.3 days I've created units and lost units I've been every rank known to man, but I was curious of ppl's memories good/bad from the 1.3 days maybe we can make a community, below are my snco's and XO's from my unit 35th ID on 1.3 from 2004. the banner we first used
  6. if anyone has any problems with mapping or skins or whatever give me a shout ill help ya out
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