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Everything posted by Chen

  1. Chen

    Jones at Work

    This shit is redonkulous. Americans..... Oh yea Jones how was work today?
  2. The prone glitch is reTARDED.
  3. Im tellin u i got my hax on bro
  4. walmart is the place to go buy clothes candy and kitchen ware etc. your not the only one that thinks that janke. give bestbuy a shot or buy parts then build it yourself, itll give you a nice summer project and youll feel great after building it.
  5. sorry but PLEASE stay away from logicrap for headsets and speakers.
  6. I also recommend not getting anything over 1TB, anything higher has a higher chance of failing. And also the more you put on it the slower it gets so good idea not to completely fill it then get another drive. games don't benefit ssd's as much as apps and OS so try to not put games in there unless you have the space.
  7. The pink green tint issue for the u2410 has been around since the monitor came out. In the beginning Dell let buyers exchange and return until they were satisfied but later on they stoped and said the monitor is suppose to be like that which is complete bs because half the screen will have a pink tint the other green. The u2410 and the Zr24w are really good monitors in all but only if your lucky, for the u2410 you better hope you dont get one with the tints or dead pixels and same for zr24w, the dead pixels are returnable but its just a big hassle to return and get another one. I hear for the zr24w the dead pixel is more of a problem but the one i ordered came perfectly basically. has a little back light bleeding on lower left hand corner but thats about it the rest is good. I dont have a calibrater my self so i jsut used what tft central had. For both of these monitors to shine, you basically need to calibrate the monitors. I think legend is better off getting the zr24w, its cheaper and he doesnt need to spend the extra 100 on things he wouldnt be using in the monitor. Sry bout the 6gb/s sata because i havnt been researching pc stuff since october lol so my bad. Everyone loved ATI's name better than AMD. Sad to see it go but as janke said, ATI hasnt shown me anything to want one of them over nvidia. Like dillan said the lower end of the spectrum maybe AMD gpu's shine just like for lower end cpu's for AMD vs their intel counter parts. for the higher end i definitely recommend nvidia and intel right now. What i really suggest is to OC the cpu and gpu so u should be getting a great cooling case like ive been saying all along with a 50-80 dollar cpu cooler(one of the noctuas) and youll be set. OCing is so safe now theres really nothing but benefits to doing it. I know Janke doesnt OC his comp but do u dillan? Legend if you have any questions bout the ssd you can ask me def. even if u get it later on after you get the comp. im not too familiar about OCing the sandy's so you should ask dillian if he knows or i can help research for you bout it. Eitehr way OCing has become a very affordable and safe way to get a faster cpu and gpu.
  8. Just wanted to point out on the U2410 theres a pretty big pink green tint issue and dell does NOT let you return or exchange the product because of the tint. They claim its suppose to be like that. Theres another great ips panel out there which is the HP ZR24w its not a wide gamut panel but its good enough. And plus i doubt legend is going to be doing professional photography so he doesnt need the wide gamut. He wont be seeing his real colors unless he calibrates the thing. the 2 monitors are both real good for what their suppose to do. I'm not familar with sandy bridge but from what i hear their pretty damn good. so you should stick with a sd mobo. please dont pick a mobo for the 6gb/s last i checked the true 6gb/s isnt even out yet. Im not a fan of ATI or should i call it AMD graphic cards, so i have my vote on evga nvidia cards. For a case i just suggest a great cooler, the HAF 932 has my vote but if it doesnt fit in budget the HAF 922 has my vote. Those 2 are awesome coolers that are pretty cheap, and boy do they look good. Oh if you plan on OCing please please PLEASE get him a aftermarket CPU cooler before he fries the damn thing.**suggestion to legend, get a solid state when you get the money to, just a tiny one, for your OS and apps and put the rest on the 1tb, youll see a big difference in speed when your using your computer**
  9. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...8-014-_-Product http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...8-016-_-Product
  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...9-197-_-Product http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...9-006-_-Product
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