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Pangilinan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Pangilinan 1st MRB

  • Birthday 10/15/1988

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    Tsienville, Europa
  • Interests
    Japanese Anime/Manga, Politics (mostly Foreign Relations), Military Hardware (I wanna start collecting antique firearms), Gaming (even though I suck)

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  1. McDowell and I also went to the annual open house of the local private museum. Oh God treat of treats, their Centurion Mark 12 is working. Not the prettiest girl there but she runs. They have a long road ahead of them.
  2. So, necroing this thread, but... There are three absolute maxims to the Centurion family. 1) Aim small, miss small. Only hits count. It means you aim for damage.You are a marksman. Your gun is the second best in the entire game in terms of aim time and accuracy. The only reason the Leopard 1 is better is because they use a later model version of the L7 Royal Ordinance, the L7A3. And even then it's merely the same gun with a different breechblock. Ammo usage is dependent on situation. You reload faster than most heavies even with full crew, BiA, Rammer, Vents, and consumables. If a heavy presents a flat unarmored side or his rear, consider changing to premium HESH. Otherwise, your APCR is your bread and butter. It's also damned expensive. Makesure you get a return for every shot by dealing damage. Practice your snapshots, and always gauge when and why you need to take that shot. But never be scared to take a Hail Mary shot. HESH has a very slight drop at range, and I've killed around 5-7 tanks who thought they backed far enough down a hill to avoid a direct shot. I've only seen slivers of tanks but I aimed slightly above the ridge and either the drop gets em, or RNG does. 2) Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other tanks to shoot at. You have a good amount of hitpoints. Sadly the game model and armor characteristics are damned bad. They've up sized it compared to the real thing. Let others do the tanking. Never rely on your angles. There will be shots that punch through. Your gauge on teamwork depends on your platoon composition, and your pub team. Needless to say this is why I use XVM. Allows me to gauge the waters during a match to allow me to compensate or adjust my gameplay as a situation unfolds. 3) The dirt is your best friend. Like the Centurions, the FV4202 is best hull down and low to the ground. There are many maps where they'll only see your gun and upper turret. Always keep moving. Unlike the Centurions you cannot bounce all shots, but with it's higher acceleration and responsiveness compared to the Centurion, you can jiggle back and forth or around a terrain feature, then abuse your aimtime in a snapshot.
  3. I love playing with competent AMX 50 100 players. If they don't kill em or stop the push, I tell em to retreat behind me and the L7A1 does some work. That said I hate playing against them and I make every effort to do this. "Identify Target!" "Target ID, AMX 50 100" "LOAD HESH" "Up!" "Shoot!" -AMX 50 100 suffers a case of engine fires-
  4. It's still bloody amazing, I'm just more aggressive in my hull downs and lately I've gotten city maps in the T32.
  5. Fond memories of those tanks. I miss my T32, I wish I hadn't sold it. It was to make room for my T110E5... Not sure if it was worth the trade-off. Don't get me wrong, I destroy with my E5 and I hear it's a popular CW tank. But I haven't been in a clan war since DETH and it's definitely a credit whore. The T110E5 is one of the heavies of choice because it is practically a heavy that is a medium. I have a few replays of my friend playing with the SEA-version of PBKAC and what they do with the T110E5 is amazing. That said in pub matches I tend to find the average pubbie's knowledge of it's superior angling so bad that I can penetrate and kill them with the currently underperforming 105mm HESH. As for the T32? I'm still kinda eh with em, I'm still used to the T29's roflstomping in lower tiers.
  6. Slugger? You mean the M36 Gun Motor Carraige? Most commonly referred to as the "Jackson"? I asked The_Chieftain in the very first meet and greet McDowell and I attended on why WG named the M36 the "Slugger" rather than the more common British name of "Jackson". That said the Jackson > Hellcat. Then again I remembered when in pre-nerf Hellcat many Hellcat drivers thought they can act as speedy scouts. My Wolverine loved detracking them and then pinging them for arty and other tanks. Repair kit? How about another shot to the tracks! As for my current tanks? Sherman Jumbo Super Pershing T29 T32 Panther/M10 E-50 Centurion Mk. I Centurion Mk. 7/1 Caernarvon Matilda Black Prince Cromwell Comet
  7. Also, according to Russian supertest leaks, Wargaming is nerfing arty. Some are getting accuracy nerfs of close to .7 as well as many rate of fire decreases. The thing is though, since many are being bumped up to as far as Tier X, the nerf can also be a buffing in disguise, especially if they're expanding the splash radius and keeping the damge. So now arty can't go one shot kill you, but it can track the shit out of you and your platoon. In other news, my stats are shit.
  8. Truth. The Black Prince is the last true British heavy. Since the UK was one of the progenitors of the Universal Tank/Main Battle Tank concept, it doesn't have a true 'heavy' line post-WWII/Cold War like the Sovs or even the US had. Granted the Sovs were focusing on massed assaults while the US were more towards hull down fighting positions. Play it like a medium more or less. The Caernaveron is a good support tank. If anything, the UK tree can best be summarized as a 'support' tree. That said, it's quite lolzy for a Centurion 7/1 to push north on Mountain Pass via ice road and make an T110E5 cry. Fortune favours the bold, etc etc. Here be the replay, because mywotreplay is being derpy http://www.mediafire.com/?t7ojk2dpvp556po The Crommy is basically a T20 that got bumped down a tier. It's quick, nice dpm gun, and good enough for chasing away scouts. In a wolfpack, they're bloody murderous.
  9. The Caernaveron is special. Also, landmines is being implemented in World of Tanks apparently:
  10. Finally got my Centurion 7/1. The tank that has given me the biggest drive to play this game since the release of the UK tree last year. Fortunately for everyone here, I've moved to the SEA server. Mainly because I am a scrub and a 45%-er.
  11. Another post: My clan is comprised primarily of 4chan people from /a/ and /k/. We see how bad our chances are, plan to toss the clan wars we didn't train for.
  12. Ignore the idiot talking, just watch the Jumbo limp to victory. Also the clan I'm in is an interest-based one. That and you need to be from /a/ or /k/. And you need to answer what Panzer Vor means.
  13. Campaign is amazing. Spartan Ops is good. I'm not touching multiplayer unless with friends.
  14. >_>;; I've weathered worse in the Philippines and the Marianas. Imagine having a stronger storm pass over you while living on an island barely larger than Manhattan. XD
  15. I concur with most of what Yama and Dawson has said. That said, I've went down the US Tank Destroyer, US Medium, German Tank Destroyer, and German Medium path the farthest. I'd say give US and Germany a shot especially if you're just starting out. The learning curve isn't that horrendous in my opinion.
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