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Pangilinan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Pangilinan 1st MRB

  1. I dunno, might not be valid in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  2. Is it in writing? If not, then no contract. If it is, was it notarized? if not, no deal.
  3. A whole mess of em, so, primary genres are: Country Music (although no offense, I get tired of super sappy contemporary crossover hit love songs, especially Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood, as well as certain songs from the boy band of Country, Rascal Flatts. Give me traditional or neo-traditional sound.) Anime/JPop Music Oh right, we're listing favorite songs: Country: Uh...Amarillo by Morning by George Strait Mountain Music by Alabama Should've Been a Cowboy by Toby Keith Neon Moon by Brooks and Dunn Whiskey Girl by Toby Keith Livin' on Love by Alan Jackson...crapton more... Anime/JPop: Fuck if I know...uh...there's Uchuu no Kakehashi by Kei Ogura for Legend of the Galactic Heroes Ending Theme # 4 Tonari no Totoro by by Azumi Inoue for My Neighbor Totoro Ending Theme Macross by Makoto Fujiwara for Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Opening Theme TANK! by The Seatbelts for Cowboy Bebop Opening Theme Kaze no Tadori Tsuku Basho by Ayana for Kanon (2006) Ending Theme by Shuntaro Okino for Last Exile (Season One) Opening Theme...and even more...
  4. A for fun song that anyone can relate to.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Redneck Asian here. I've been listening to country music eversince the 90s, CMT was one of the tv stations I watched. XD
  7. I dunno if I should be happy or worried when y'all face the Capitals next week. Not really into hockey, but more "am I going to have to thread lightly around some of my friends later" kind of deal.
  8. That's dedication right there. Wonder if Engle has cheated on you yet. You know him, he makes his way around.
  9. Dillon you got it wrong. It's #datass
  10. SO THAT'S WHAT'S REALLY AT THE END OF A RAINBOW. Instead of a pot of Gold, it's kegs of Guinness.
  11. @ Parker: lul It's from Neon Genesis Evangeleon Original Opening: Cruel Angel's Thesis (Opening Animation)
  12. 1. A job 2. A handgun, rooting for either an Rock Island Armory M1911A1 or a S&W Model 64 3. A better vehicle, preferably a Ford or Nissan pickup or SUV, must have 4WD/AWD 4. Money to help with all the bills. 5. A better computer. Reasons: 1. Self explanatory. I'm applying to WalMart hoping to get in and earn enough to start paying off the loans. 2. Always wanted it. M1911A1 felt better in my hand, while the S&W was recommended to me by an IDPA instructor who is trying his darnedest to get me into the sport (he also recommended belt, holster, and speedloaders) 3. I'm currently driving a Ford Windstar minivan, but it's not ideal for road conditions in this time of year...and also I want a pickup truck...really. 4. Self explanatory. Need to pay other bills. 5. So I can see everyone kick my ass in better quality.
  13. But yeah, that was an awesome clutch there. Time running out, pressure's on. And in comes Jonesey from nowhere killing the last German to win the round. GJ Allies Also: Maines, you fool, why are you giving her ideas? Now I bet her smile is best described as such: "The smile of an Abh, so maligned that they say it's like a poisonous flower in its glory." -Lin Shu Rock Yalulug Dril Hydal Jinto, Crest of the Stars
  14. She's calm now, but sooner or later I'm gonna be dominated in the pub. Wait...
  15. ... You're tougher than some men too. -runs-
  16. It might be your FPO. I got my items from Amazon on the expected time range in the times I needed them. (Like buying textbooks for the upcoming semester) If I get the money I'm buying the half-off Amazon Prime, since I had the one year free trial of Amazon Student, that option is still open for me.
  17. -Calling in Mollecular Disruptor Device. ... .... ..... /approved /initialization in 5 seconds
  18. There can only be one birthday boy. -gives longswords and drops you both into abandoned warehouse- Happy Birthday.
  19. WTF did I just watch. Is our tax money going into this? >_>;;
  20. And it's the marketing that sells. And marketing classes will forever be tearing his stuff apart to see if they can achieve the next big thing. I also call it. Apple's next release will feature a pre-recorded message by Jobs.
  21. Redstate's article on Project IP and a host of internet related issues.
  22. Pinoy-style Jolibee Fried Chicken Ingredients: A bunch of wings and drumsticks Some commercial flour frying mix Nothing to it really. Used a batter mix called Crispy Fry that my family managed to smuggle into the US in our last trip to Asia. So put that in a bowl with chicken, hand tossed that shit. And then fried it. Album of ze cooking.
  23. Pang was lazy and made fried chicken. Video at 11. -posting it here because Frantz wants chickin, brb grabbing pictures from phone-
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