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Pangilinan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Pangilinan 1st MRB

  1. And I shall be there as you dance. With a nade.
  2. I give it a 4/10. Nice attempt, but honestly could've been quicker on the cut to.
  3. ahghain?!
  4. Well Cast, it's because they appear out of nowhere and I can't exactly pull out a nade and go:
  5. I'll just arrange some blocks that fall from the skies above to make an imprenetable wall around you guys and then watch the hilarity ensue. Also because I suck in the game and can't even escape some guy with a shovel.
  6. "Oh Shit!" -myself I hate you all. :| Then again my fault for not being good.
  7. The funny thing is the nuclear test footage where he rides down on the 4-straight tetris block is the US tests in the Bikini atoll.
  8. Edit: Oh right my comments. Rather accurate, and catchy. Sent to my old Russian politics professor. I'm wondering if he'll ever show this in his classes. XD;; Lyrics
  9. XD Imagine being an elementary school kid and getting on a bus shaped like a whale.
  10. Sankaku Complex - Japan = Excessively Cute; US = Tanks The site itself is NSFW at times, but this is a nice photo-article and gave me the shits and giggles with the last picture.
  11. And I understood all of what they were saying WITHOUT the subtitles. That is a damn cool idea, imma spread it around. Isang litrong liwanag. One Liter Brightness, well, to make it make sense, Brightness in one liter, liter is the soda bottle, etc.... -is shot-
  12. That's awesome dude, now I wanna watch in the vain hope of seeing you maybe. Also, Maines. -hands Maines a magazine with "Stude" stencilled on the side.- Welcome to the B.A.R.-users Hitmen Anonymous. Don't forget your nades. -hands two nades with "Cast" and "Elf" on em-
  13. At the high school I was at previously (Centreville High School @ Centreville, VA) we've had machines since Win95 but the net wasn't blocked to the wazoo, had worddoc and of course the needed other office programs, etc... They were all upgraded to XP when I was there. The next high school I was at, where I met Kim, was Battlefield High School (Haymarket, VA), and we all used shitty Gateways. But still, since it was a Technology and IT oriented anchor school, we had the most up to date stuff, and I believe the shop classrooms had better computers that can run the latest CADD software and stuff, while the art ones had photoshop, etc... Yes my high schools is better than yours Maines. Just sayin'. -runs- And then I went to University. But I had my own laptop by then. EDIT: Oh right, in Centreville we were all issued Ti-82 scientific/graphing calculators if we didn't buy our own. Battlefield we were issued Casio crap. I bought my own Ti-82 when I was attending Centreville. But still we were issued/loaned a scientific calculator for math class.
  14. 1) Depending on the state, they pay nearly all the taxes. Federal, State, and Municipial. 2) This is just plain common sense, and easily stopped by the board and a good company charter. There will be some that get through, but don't lump em all together. For all you know, I could be a CEO of a successful company that I built from scratch and I'm taking home pay that's just slightly more than those below me. 3) Explain this more in detail. 4) You do know a good majority of hospitals ARE non-profit right? And the fact that if they refuse treatment their board and management come under fire for it? The healthcare law should've been a restructuring of the regulatory commission overseeing the insurance companies and the companies themselves., not an enlargement. 5) That my friend, is to remove the entrenchment of career politicians and bureaucrats. Stop voting in the incumbent who has overstayed his position. Democrats, Republicans, Independent. Doesn't matter.
  15. Morton: So the top 1% has now been culled. They are not rich anymore. They, like the rest of us, now live in 'equal' terms. How did that happen? Do you mean to tax the rich to the point they lose their title of rich? What happens the rich become middle class. Who will you tax then? Why the answer of course, is the new 'rich'. In this hypothetical example, what was once the middle class. They have the money now. Hard working, honest folk, who are doctors, lawyers, middle or corporate management THAT AREN'T the top dog. Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and potential startups. And the tax on the rich is either kept in place or adjusted. What then? Where will that revenue stream come from? You've got to keep it up right? You don't have to answer. I'm just pushing it out there. This is my question to #OWS. "You've gotten the rich. What now? What's your plan? Do you have a way to fix this besides your nifty 'xxxxx the rich' soundbyte?"
  16. I didn't have actual 'domesticated' dogs. I had a Rott. She was a guard dog, but I've raised her since she was a puppy and was old enough to be seperated. She wa sof course tied otuside but was always the one feeding her and cleaning her (skin problems were common in the island I lived in) and she was the only guard dog who didn't growl or bark at me. Then I moved to Virginia. I learned later that she didn't really like being fed by others and eventually a typhoon hit, dragged her shelter a long ways with her still tied to it. It sucks man, not being there when they had to be put down.
  17. And there are also other effects as well. Not just 'Free Markets' are to blame here. (Which is an oft overused term that does little justice to macro- and micro-economic policies/trends/theories) Over-regulation and in some countries, regulatory practices not helpful to businesses mean these business will look elsewhere to find work. The expansion of a welfare/social safety net to the point it becomes rather easy to game the system also has a hand in it. Mind you, I've already seen this problem addressed before and that particular movement downgraded by the national media, but #OWS is drawing attention to itself in rather uncomfortable ways. It is starting to be eerily similar to the old counter-culture movement. And I honestly can't take seriously a movement which has the full backing of both the American Communist Party and the American Nazi Party. Let alone various other pro-big government/socialistic groups. #OWS does not realize that it is not the 'rich' that's purely at fault. It is the crony capitalism between the 'rich' and it's connections in the bureaucracy and politicians. Studied this in Japan under the Iron Triangle system (Bureaucracy <-> LDP <-> kereitsu), and Eisenhower may had warned against the military-industrial complex, but it has spread to other fields/agencies/industries besides the military. Besides, the term 'rich' is completely ambiguous. You can have politicians twist numbers up down and sideways and the news agencies will merely say 'rich' or 'high earners'. By last recollection, some legislation proposing an increase in taxes listed those individuals with a $200,000/couples with a $250,000 yearly income as rich. The tax bracket can be lowered in order to increase the cash flow. Which will go into the government and while sure, a good or service that is essential to government (police/fire/medical/SocialSec) is funded, there is greater risk of an entrenched bureaucracy coddled with politicians and corporations of a specific interest group stifling actual market competition. An increase of deductions from pay, increase of regulation, and right now, a business unfriendly atmosphere can have jobs be nonexistent as employers, unwilling or unable to operate a business and hire, will close hiring or only hire within the company (horizontal or inter-department hiring is what I mean). But meh, I'm writing this with nary 4 hours of sleep and lots of caffeine, with a slim grasp of economic policy. I only affirm my conviction on my judgement of the group from my own political convictions AND knowledge. I'd be a sorry soul if I didn't even glean a rudimentary knowledge of bureaucracy and politics in my 4 years of university and aught to destroy my diploma if that was the case. Feel free to disagree, anyone who does can prove I'm barking up the wrong tree. It's just I see this as analogous (although in a less extreme form) to various crony capitalistic nations in East Asia, and a budding resemblance to the aforementioned Iron Triangle. Unfortnately, this is how a good majority of them look like on TV, in interviews, and in person. TANSTAAFL would be the acronym I'd use if I wanna go there and troll them. But I'm a bit cowardly. XD;; Also to clarify, my forte is INTERNATIONAL Politics. Not Domestic or Economic Policy/Politics. But I draw from economic policies of other nations and of this nation (due to global interdependence). And the fact in order to gain the BA in my department, you had to take courses from other concentrations if you chose a concentration, so I took a few bureaucracy-aligned/public administration courses and also took political economy as a nice rounder. Minored in History (spec. East Asia post-1945)
  18. How would you know the cat was gay then, unless you experienced it yourself. Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed, so I doubt we'll be clamoring for the heroic cat to have his MoH taken away.
  19. Elder's jelly over a cat who won the Medal of Honor. Clearly the cat was dominating him in the pub and in the bed and he had to hire the sniper to take him out, and even then the cat won a MoH for it.
  20. I should start offering my prayers of forgiveness. There is no God like Yamagata, and Parker his prophet.
  21. Says the former Unit Rehtard. As for his vids, the one I like the most was Time Crisis with Andy Whitfield.
  22. Freddie and Brandon do awesome work in a one week timespan. Their roommates, Sam and Nico of Corridor Digital just really got into a bi-weekly schedule and they do more VFX stuff than Freddie and Brandon, who focus alot on actual camera and moving picture photography, etc... Awesome folks.
  23. Saw it when he posted it, was damn good. Should also watch the behind the scenes vid as well.
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