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Pangilinan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Pangilinan 1st MRB

  1. Apples to Oranges. Sorry, will take Charlie Daniels over this. =P
  2. If such an event took place you'd probably need a FOIA request.
  3. Elder, that you? -points at guy in vid-
  4. My mind walked out in protest.
  5. Saw the end, Ortiz appologized, and Mayweather comes in and 'reflexively' gives him a one two. Now people understand why no one likes the bastard. Dirty fighter an- Should shut it before I get in trouble. ~_~
  6. Yer too young kid, we'll leave you in the parking lot with the windows cracked, okay?
  7. BEER TIEM!!!! =D
  8. The .45 ACP round and the pistol that fired used from the beginning of the 20th Century to 1980s was in response from Regular Army personnel who found their .38 Cal revolvers did not have sufficient strength to kill or incapacitate a charging Filipino during the Philippine Insurrection. The .45 was chosen after extensive testing in the Thompson-LaGard Tests in which cows and human cadavers were used to determine the lethality of the rounds. A competitor round in the Tests was none other than the famed .455 Webely rounds, the Mk. III load more famously known as the 'Manstopper' rounds. The .45 ACP round won even though the tests only concluded that nothing less than .45 should be issued. Most likely a result of the rising prominence of John M. Browning and the fact the .455 Webley is a British round. The Philippine Insurrection had officers who ordered boys 10 years and up to be executed if the village supported the rebels. The phrase 'civilized and Christianize' is also ironic, considering that the Philippines under Spain was a colony slowly being civilized long before America was founded, and was mostly Catholic before the United States acquired it.
  9. According to the History Channel: Germany also had kamikazes. The Cuban Missile Crisis was more or less done because Russia realized we had missiles pointed at them with allies in the Middle East/Turkey. So they had to return the favor. Many people remember the crisis, few know why it happened. Rommel also had the respect of most of his opponents. Japan was dragged into war by its Army, who was buoyed by their successes in Manchuria/China, and earlier, Japan apologized outright for mistakenly attacking an American River Gunboat. The Navy on the other hand, and a handful of foreign-trained/observer officers, knew going to war and provoking the Western Allies would be a tall order. Hence the need for a coordinate assault and victories that'll cripple British, Dutch, French, and American power in the Pacific, allowing them to take the resources they needed. That worked until Coral Sea.
  10. ...Grandpa survived the Death March and was Liberated after years of inhumane treatment. And he never got his pension until...a year or so before he died. Thanks America, for forgetting the Filipinos who bled with you. /downer, but true. Also Rommel swallowed cyanide...did you mean when he was attacked in N. Africa?
  11. I see your GI Joe. I raise: If there was ANY man who would turn this stalwart Feddie into a Zeonic Spacenoid, it would be him. because he was sheer fucking boss.
  12. Nope. Because by then I had seen My Neighbor Totoro, Harmony Gold's Robotech and Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Castle in the Sky, episodes of Transformers Gen 1, Voltes V, some of Mazinger Z, etc... Afterwards I saw Mobile Suit Gundam, New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, 08th MS Team, Cowboy Bebop, and various other shows that blew that fillerriffic show out of the water. Hell it was full of several episodes of powerful and UUUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH and KKKKKKKKKAAAAAA-next episode-AAAAAAAMMMMEEEEEE-next episode-EEEEEEAAAAAAAAMMMMEEEE-next episode-AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH-next eposode- *dinky little attack that barely scratches the big bad* Edit: Dragonball was even better imho. The show before this piece of shit that passed for Anime. But I'm too harsh, nowadays the new DBZ is Bleach and Naruto.
  13. I haven't. :| I'm years late, I know.
  14. I shall use my crazy asianess. And become a blade of grass.
  15. I think I'm lucky to even be 5 kills to my death. I absolutely suck in the game.
  16. I don't like em. It was my first pistol, and the trigger safety..well..it was the first pistol I shot, but not the first i've dry-fired and got a feel for. M9 during weapon familiarity day in Army ROTC, an M1911A1, Webley Mk 6, Rugers, etc... And I'll say having the amount of laxness before the actual resistance and break is kinda unsettling for someone who've been firing primarily military rifles and traditionally created guns. In the end I limpwristed the gun, it stovepiped or failure to feed, dun remember because my friend took the gun from me and cleared it before giving me a few pointers. That said that's some good deals. As for reliability, a .45 is reliable for the ammunition it was created for, that is, FMJ rounds. Using anything else will get you FTFs, stovepipes, you name it. If you want a colt, use full metal jacket. That said I might be getting CZs. If I can find a pre-B 75 that'll be aweseome, but a Hi-Power is good too. ... Sig P210 if I can find it.
  17. Let's face it, the only reason I'll visit Wales is for Cardiff and to see if Torchwood is really located there...and maybe watch a game of football in Cardiff City Stadium. And oh yeah, to make fun of the police state. -is mugged by hooligans-
  18. I can't wait to get into this mod. =D And Euros should get another event up and running the next weekend. So we can also join in again. XD
  19. I need to play more and have a video showing my evil ping. XD
  20. Normally not a fan of rap, but I like it.
  21. Eventually. Stuck here but grandpa's health has gotten from 'cannot move and needing help just to eat' to 'walking half a mile out of his own choice' in a few months.
  22. I hate both of you. ;-; Hopkins, McDowell, and Kim. But no Pang. That is if I make it back home this November as planned, maybe.
  23. Heh. 'bout time the punk learned some manners. I'm willing to bet alot of his military fans are angry at him. To be fair, I didn't hear about this until I saw it on Terminal Lance's fb.
  24. Trillian. I've used it for some odd years. I made the final jump two years back by integrating MSN into it. I can also connect to irc servers and such. Used meebo but wasn't too fond of it.
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