Pangilinan 1st MRB
Retired 1st MRB-
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Everything posted by Pangilinan 1st MRB
Lovely, although question. MRB patch on Allies?
Fanc! Good to hear from ya! *bookmarks*
We republicans aren't this stupid, and coming from the HuffPo, it's kinda suspect and the saying of "taken with a grain of salt" is always in effect. That said it's funny, and I totally expect some to argue for this somehow. Then that person is marked for removal in the next election. XP
I'll try and fix them later then they're bindable Lin, or you can do it yourself.
Thanks Bunt! Now to remove the "spanish" in those non-Spanish phrases. XP
We'll try to get most languages in by the weekend. I may need to jump some hoops to find friends who know Russian enough.
Well, we can do the standard languages. French, Chinese, Spanish, German, and Russian sound like the primary worries. I can have a friend start doing Russian, I just need to get in contact.
We get our message across, and if they still TK and whatnot, we can explain to them that a warning was given in English, Korean, Japanese, German, etc... explaining the TK/TW and Spawn Firing. If they didn't heed to those, they were truly doing it of malicious intent and merely not understanding English. Think like a bureaucrat Kim, CYOA.
This seems like a good idea for a bind. A certain bind in Korean or Japanese or some other language explaining what to do, namely no TK/TW and firing in spawn. Something that can be passed to promoters and MPs at the same time.
Alas, I will be working on my essay. Damn professors! Stacking Homework on Spring Break. Happy Saint Patrick's Day. The day the Irish took a Saint's Feast Day and decided they wanted to get wasted and show the British people how to party.
Already, this has reached front page, sensational headline news. Explosions at the plant, workers struggling to contain the fires, evacuations, and now talk of the end of nuclear power. I say it's a load of horseshit, a comment unbecoming of a forum such as this. The politicization of the issue and the use of a natural disaster as a springboard ignores the complexities of the problem. From the result of an outdated design (it has been noted that the design is one of the first truly useful commercial designs) and the perfect storm of consequences in which the power is lost and its backup generators were washed away. It ignores reality and situation on the ground for the next sound clip, the next talking point. As of now, I'm not trusting any news source besides the International Atomic Energy Agency, and any news article that has the facts to back it up [update 15 Mar], and not sensationalism to make a point completely unrelated at the disaster at hand. It may be naivety, but I'm more inclined to trust experts and the people on the ground, and the fact that Japan had ramped up disaster preparedness since the 1995 Kobe Earthquake and had already foreseen incidents like this (hell, they had a warning out a minute before the earthquake hit Tokyo) and they're following SOP. Even if it means they have to do it on the fly because, as the article says, they're in uncharted waters. So, what do raiders think? Am I in the wrong? Or should I follow what Brendan O'Niell of The Australian has to say? Keep your sanity, don't read the comments. I'm tired of sensationalism. I want my hard facts damnit.
Engle of course.
Happy birthday Teachey!!! And I keep forgetting the 'e' after the 'h'.
Engle mainly because I still remember that one realism where he left his flashlight on and ate a grenade because of it.
Why does this remind me of me so much. I blame Viktor and Sano for being in the way of my rockets. xP
Old School Gaming? You mean like Chess?
Apologies to the unit in the lack of appearance. Life's been busy and while I can hop on here and there for a few maps or so, real life is kinda a pain. Viktor and Sano might be happy. I'm not blaming them for me being killed at least. XD
Happy Birthday man!
Rant about Stupid High School Students.
Pangilinan 1st MRB replied to Boutton 1st MRB's topic in The Slope Chute
Stupidity. Then again, I've been escorted home after breaking down from stress. -
I never really spoke here, might end up betraying to the unit of my own political leanings (which I admit, range from right-wing to 'give me the nukes and the last MIRV falls on me, now stop pissing me off arseholes') but just can't handle this anymore. These people are totally outrageous, I'm ashamed to even consider the fact they may be from my own party, let alone part of the political movement I subscribed to. This is stupid. This is a charity event to help the local community. If the average American can't take five minutes to understand that our enemy is always going to be extremism, but rather label ALL Muslims as baby-killing hatemongers, how different are we of them? What credibility do we gain when WE go and protest an actual Muslim group who has sprouted their own ? What credibility do we gain in the international community? Especially since, what many of our people don't realize until recently, that we are freer than many nations out there, and our views are shaped differently, coming from many viewpoints, under a government that, while seemingly oppressive to some, is definitely much more cleaner than any other government out there? We aren't passing a law to ban religious clothing, nor are we stoning to death our enemies, apostates of the secular order. As a student of history and international relations, I cringe at the very thought of this being taken by our enemies, to be given to an easily manipulated populace, one that has no access to alternate sources of information, and has, since childhood, indoctrinated to follow the 'One True Sect' of Islam (and I take this term sarcastically), where it has been conveniently inserted that in order to achieve what the Prophet has asked for them, is to kill their enemies. And then they show them this. They show them our 'crimes' of modernization, of western culture and knowledge, our tolerance, our support of the state of Israel, and anything to get their anger up. This ain't helping guys. I write this not as a right-wing nutjob (/sarc) but as an American. Not hyphenated or anything, but someone who has common sense, tolerance as taught by Christ, and as a concerned right-winger who knows that in the long run, this bullshit is gonna result in more caskets arriving at Dover. Also, this is totally related:
Note to self: Next realism I lead, Elf is on my team. Make sure it's Sano I go against.
:| No doubts about it, you are Reznov. I'd mail you a Russian hat if I had one.
Personal favorite quotes. (lets keep this going)
Pangilinan 1st MRB replied to Frantz's topic in The Slope Chute
"I think I'd rather be forgotten." --rough paraphrase, Linn Ssynec Rocr Ïarlucec Dreuc Haïder Ghintec (Jinto), Banner of the Stars manga. I'd get the exact quote, but my books are at M. Kim's house. Jinto basically wishes no one would remember him, who is remembered in his world as son of the traitor who sold his planet to the Humankind Empire Abh. It's...somewhat my motto...and it's to counter McDowell's -
Personal favorite quotes. (lets keep this going)
Pangilinan 1st MRB replied to Frantz's topic in The Slope Chute
"I told you that 'juvenile delinquent' is a contradiction in terms. 'Delinquent' means 'failing in duty.' But duty is an adult virtue—indeed a juvenile becomes an adult when, and only when, he acquires a knowledge of duty and embraces it as dearer than the self-love he was born with. There never was, there cannot be a 'juvenile delinquent.' But for every juvenile criminal there are always one or more adult delinquents—people of mature years who either do not know their duty, or who, knowing it, fail." --Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.), Page 120, Starship Troopers By Robert A. Heinlein "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design." --Friedrich A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit "There is an old song which asserts that "the best things in life are free". Not true! Utterly false! This was the tragic fallacy which brought on the decadence and collapse of the democracies of the twentieth century; those noble experiments failed because the people had been led to believe that they could simply vote for whatever they wanted… and get it, without toil, without sweat, without tears." --Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.), Page 93, Starship Troopers By Robert A. Heinlein John Sheridan: "The Universe speaks in many languages but only one voice. A language which is not Narn or Human or Centauri or Gaim or Minbari. It speaks in the language of hope." G'Kar: "It speaks in the language of trust. It speaks in the language of strength and the language of compassion. It is the language of the heart and of the language of the soul; but always it is the same voice; it is the voice of our ancestors speaking through us, and the voice of our inheritors waiting to be born; it is the small still voice that says: "We are one." No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. We are one. No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. We are one. Here, gathered together in common cause we agree to recognize this singular truth and this singular rule: that we must be kind to one another." Sheridan: "Because each voice enriches us and ennobles us, and each voice lost diminishes us. We are the voice of the universe, the soul of creation, the fire that will light the way to a better future. We are one." G'Kar: "We are one." --John Sheridan and G'Kar, Babylon 5, Season 5, Episode 3 "The Paragon of Animals" "BADNADE BADNADE OH MY GAWD I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT!" --J. Pangilinan, various accidental badnades and teamkills. "Republicans. They are no different from Democrats. The old Guard only differences in small degrees. If the old guard of the Democrats were the old hippies and the new hipsters, what makes the old guard say we rattlesnakes can't do the same." --J. Pangilinan "The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. But where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with even greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it. They would weep, they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones and then throw themselves without fear or hesitation at the very face of death itself. Never surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears by their courage…their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships, they used guns. When they ran out of guns, they used knives and sticks and bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope, that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes at the end. They did this for two years. They never ran out of courage. But in the end…they ran out of time." --Londo Mollari, Babylon 5 Movie "In The Beginning" (Emphasis Added) "For us, the storm has passed... the war is over. But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure; sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight... our fight, was elsewhere. As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten." --FAdm Lord Terrence Hood, Halo 3 "Many short-sighted fools think that going to the Moon was just a stunt. But the astronauts knew the meaning of what they were doing, as is shown by Neil Armstrong's first words in stepping down onto the soil of Luna: "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Pragmatics of Patriotism", speech at USNA "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn." --Mahatma Gandhi, "An Autobiography OR The story of my experiments with truth", Chapter 27 "The laws of [false utility] are those which forbid to wear arms, disarming those only who are not disposed to commit the crime which the laws mean to prevent. Can it be supposed, that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity, and the most important of the code, will respect the less considerable and arbitrary injunctions, the violation of which is so easy, and of so little comparative importance? Does not the execution of this law deprive the subject of that personal liberty, so dear to mankind and to the wise legislator?" --Cesare Beccaria, On Crimes and Punishments, 1764, Chapter 40 "After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it."