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Pangilinan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Pangilinan 1st MRB

  1. Not really. Belief in a higher power who over millions of years, shaped the cosmos and turned his attention to a newly formed sun, creating several planets from the remnants of the birth of said sun, and set into things motion to eventually grant this Earth life. You could say I susbscribe to the old "God is a clockmaker" kind of religious belief. And in the Catholicism I grew up in, it's similar. God provides the strength we use to achieve our own goals, etc.
  2. Publically, most members of the military are like that. But believe me once they passed the jar around and such, they're plotting his demise. That is, my uncle (SSgt US Army) does it. XD;; You know, off the record stuff.
  3. Like the SEAL says. There is a time and place. A wake in a bar full of SEALs and their families honoring a fallen comrade ain't one of em. Good on him.
  4. And thus Lafy here proves why they are as stubborn as they are. Granted though, my view is. God created the world. But I'm not believing that he did it in 6 of our days. Who knows, 6 days for him is 6 million years for us.
  5. See above. While it has no place, truly. It is also about geographic area and demographics as well as history. For better or for worse, a person's religion is a sort of moral compass, and in a representative, federal system such as ours, the majority of the voters will pick the candidate that best matches them to represent them in Congress and the Executive branch as well as in other levels of elected positions.
  6. Well, the anti-gunners are in a bit of decline, especially after SCOTUS' decision on Heller in Washington DC and I beleive we also did a similar deal in Chicago, so here's to hoping Goodwin. I do remember a comment I got while watching Tales of the Gun: The eras that Hollywood had always shown to be rich in gun violence (Wild West and Depression Era America) were particularly not. An armed society was a polite society. Never know if the other end of the watch chain held a derringer or he had a vest pistol on his person or a revolver in the woman's purse. Good on the woman, and a boon to our never ending fight to make sure lawful citizens are allowed their lawful right to firearms.
  7. Not only does it depend on who you ask, but where you ask. In certain states, religion and politics may not be physically entwined, but when the huge segment of the voting block are devout Christians, they will vote for the candidate that best defines what they believe in. Be it on religious and moral matters or more Earthly concerns such as budgets, laws, and whatnot. As no arms has said, not every religious person will vote according to a candidates' strength of moral/religious conviction, some do. It's possibly easier to see this paradox of melding and seperating church and state with the United States and possibly Canada. When it boils down to it, to understand it, you also need to go back to the history of some states, particularly the 13 original colonies, and how/why they were formed. Jeeze last I remember, there was a week of classes devoted to the church and state in one of my university classes and History of the British Empire had a damn boatload of these cases in our primary reading. XD;; I can't give you an easily digestible answer really. Besides what no arms said.
  8. So uncivilized. - Obi-Wan Kenobi Referred to a blaster but still. xP
  9. The true common sense gun laws are those who allow lawful citizens the right to keep and bear arms to protect person, family, and property (as well as to have fun really...). Not this weird laws on gun free zones and banning firearms. And yes, the 911 call was good, its what is always taught really. Shoot and inform 911. As long as 911 is informed, it helps the first responders as well so they don't get shot by the one defending their home.
  10. Is it called felony fights because the cops roll in five seconds later? Pure barbarism, plain and simple. Granted, it ain't in my nature to do stupid shit like this.
  11. Damn right she did the right thing. The shittiest thing they can do now is the anti-gunners will mount a campaign to demonize her and trump up the victim charge on the perps she shot. Fortunately we're not Britain yet in that form of stupidity. /sorry Jones.
  12. I dont get it. :/
  13. Whatever happened to good old shooting it and then putting it on fire and then blowing it up with tannerite?
  14. -ties Maines down at the end of the berm- Stay. Staaay. Good blow up doll. -piles propane tanks and tannerite around Maines and loads an M1A-
  15. Clearly beforehand you wipe it with DoD rated wipe and then shoot it, before bulldozing it into the berm. Or wonder if a common theif has access to that kind of stuff.
  16. Idiot talking here: If the problem is the HDD and it's unrecoverable, buy a new one and fine an open field for uh...hard drive disposal. Make sure there is sufficient backstop. I don't think .45ACP cause that much trouble in permanently erasing data. Hell, go cheap, go with .22LR
  17. While Science is catching up to the point we can have this stuff, the Government apparatus is glacially slow in approving even test bed permits, let alone building even a standard reactor to connect to an existing grid. I'll go work on that. Make me Energy Secretary for a presidential term and the deadlocked process to approve for nuclear reactors will be unstucked.
  18. Born in the Philippines. Passed through Japan. US has been my home now for 11 years almost. Want to go: See here: Thread
  19. <insert stereotype here>
  20. Cast and her armor piercing bunker busting slaps will get me. But I'll be a little Frenchman and wave the white flag.
  21. I'd like to say I'm gonna play the safe route and be in my bunker.
  22. Clearly the repellant does not work. Snakeoil, smoke, and mirrors my friends. That and I expect Cast to basically do to Thomas what Tomoyo does to Sunohara in this clip. As a ref, Tomoyo is the gray haired girl, Sunohara is the poor blonde sod. Edit: Found another one with even more stuff most of y'all won't get but is still funny. In my opinion.
  23. At least you weren't delayed because some parents tried to bring four toddlers to see their grandparents in Chicago but due to some unclear and frankly, hidden airline policies, meant they were at the tarmac for an hour and a half before being kicked off.
  24. So does that mean I'm an idiot? How's your arm? And there are no fresh starts, only seeing if the stuff that rolled over was good enough to call 'fresh'.
  25. Off-topic: My uncle is getting me started on an A+ crash course. That build guide you posted for Maines is starting to make a little more sense to me.
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