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Pangilinan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Pangilinan 1st MRB

  1. Sounds alot like price rigging and controls. Gee, I wonder what organization has that in mind. Oh right, OPEC.
  2. -blows Wingate up with his patented suicide nade- Anyways, welcome to the forum! Hang around, have fun, stay away from Wingate. He be a mean person. I'm kidding. XD Wingate stay away from me.
  3. HBO, I miss old AMC, when they showed old movies, especially old monster movies.
  4. Wait till national reciprocity is passed. All states will be obliged to honor other states CC licenses. On the subject of firearms, no offense, but GLOCKS were never good in my hand. It's the whole comfort thing as well. Newer polymer guns out there do feature adjustable backstraps and whatnot, but the best fitting guns in my hand were M1911A1s, Browning Hi-Powers, and a rare Pre-B Cz75 I found once in Manassas. Apparently it was sold an hour after I left the store. Fucking beautiful gun.
  5. I'll listen to Buffet when he puts his checkbook where his mouth is. A contribution to the US Government, or an increased amount of philanthropic monies would let me see it. But for now he's all talk. I also don't mean political contributions to the Obama 2012 campaign either. I'm all for peaceful assembly. But like I've been hinting along the past few posts, the Occupy movement has overstayed their welcome and as the Instapundit has said, has not organized enough to get their own views and solutions into the public. The reason may be because it's backed by completely different and sometimes fundamentally opposed groups (seriously, Communist Party of America and the Nazi party of America supports the Occupy movement?!) as well as the commune-like and highly dysfunctional organization is a factor in it as well. They need to shift from protest to organize in the same manner we conservatives had done in late 2009 and early 2010.
  6. MW3 warrants a rental, not a purchase. It's not as "OMG I NEED TO GET THIS GAME" as COD4, MW2, or WaW. Hell, Black Ops was when the franchose jumped the shark in my opinion. Now Battlefield 3....
  7. So getting it. Wonder if there is coop, anyone own a PS3?
  8. 1) Then they will. And they get taxed more then. So what happens to that money? I can't honestly answer this because I'm not making the money you are and unable to realistically see it. A point off for me but sure. 2) So every single CEO, Board of Directors, and upper level management is corrupt? From the business that hasn't even reached regional dominance, let alone local dominance (a few stores here and there) to companies like General Electric and the like? Are you sure you're talking about those who really abuse this? I think the issue with this view is that you also have something against people who push themselves into the red for years before turning a profit. I can agree that bigger companies will and can abuse their power and profits, but to label EVERY CEO and Board as such is kinda wrong to me. It's like saying all conservatives are white, crotchety old fellas with hands in every businessman's pockets and wishing to kick all the blacks back to Africa and Mexicans to Mexico. (If that were the case then what am I?) 3) Detail. But let's see on the oil companies then. Transportation, refining, shipment, research and development, government fees. These are also going to have to be paid by these profits. Last I heard, barely a dollar is profit for companies, the rest goes to other fees ranging from transporting costs to environmental impact fees. 4) And the implementation of the Healthcare law means we have to cover the uninsured, right? This is going to make it even more unfair as it'll benefit not only the regulatory committees in charge, but insurance companies who are contracted with the Government to handle these people. What should've been done was a streamlining and reevaluation of the healthcare law to make it possible for those uninsured to be able to come up with a way to pay their procedures while also equalizing the playing field and handling the abuses. But no, it was just a massive bureaucracy dump. 5) I am and still a fan of term limits. Particularly for the US Senate and House. No longer than 12 years in the House and 20 in the Senate. The problem with the US political system is that it's easy for money to be involved. Those with connections and money often get elected, and while you may never know how a person performs under stress or in the job of the US Congress, we've gotten people who has gotten in by family name and money (Teddy Kennedy for one) or with very good connections and media bias (our current President). I'd like to institute Germany's election laws in the US. No stupid 4 year long reelection campaign, all money coming from a public pool, etc... But of course, no one would agree to that. That addressed, I'd want for these #Occupy idiots to go home already. Kudos to the Chicago Board of Trade for their Leaflet attack. As Professor Reynolds had said: This movement to me has become a months long blemish and a distortion of the American version of democracy. Well, it always has been. It's a Woodstock wannabe, back in the days when there were real greivances with the Government. If there was one thing I can admire the 1960s and 70s hippies and whatnot for, is that they understood that their mob needed to vote their solutions in. The Occupy folks have not grasped that, and every day they don't, my movement gets closer to putting either a Black man who is successful in turning ailing business around into the White House or (at the very least) a Northeast Establishment RINO. We did it last year, we'll do it again hopefully in Virginia tomorrow, and hopefully once more next year.
  9. It's a milspec that's under 400USD, the people who complain about it either don't know shit or got the few crappy guns in the production run. From what I hear, the Armscor produced RIA branded guns can eat anything from high quality ammo to the dirtiest ones out there, and it's good enough to accept modifications (like getting rid of the stock sights and installing more modern sights or a new beavertail). Certainly good enough since Springfield Armory's GI models are a hundred bucks more expensive. And it also comes in 9mm and .38 Super offerings, well, different brand name, but same manufacturer.
  10. I think I'll grab a singlestack Rock Island Armory. Too many bling'd out M1911A1 guns out there, seems like we Filipinos are the only ones who honestly offer milspec guns nowadays.
  11. Oh God Engle.
  12. Man those curbs are brutal.
  13. You'll be a spokesperson for GLOCK?
  14. Jumping on here but...what if you've never built a computer before and the only computer part you've touched was installing a brand new memory stick to a laptop? Sorry for hijacking but I have a Toshibal Satellite L505D (the AFFES only model I believe) and uh...I kinda want to be able to play Borderlands without it crashing.
  15. Shotgun beats shovel. Edit: As I posted it, the rotating avatar switched to the girl with the shotgun. XD
  16. -Suddenly, McKenzie's REPs say he's in the corps until he's 80-
  17. Yeah ever since Richards used a strip for his signature I've been hooked. Not alot of it is Corps specific and it's usually written in a way laymen can understand. His comments also bring light to the strip anyways. That said I'm surrounded by military people so I get about roughly half the jokes.
  18. Yours are coming for you McKenzie! One was already spotted heading towards McDowel.
  19. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a gun by your side and a primed nade in your hand. There is no God but John Moses Browning, and Alfred Bernhard Nobel is his prophet!
  20. I know what happened afterwards. There were nades. Millions of them. And gun toting fanatics. They cleansed the unclean from the land for the glory that is Allah Yamagata.
  21. It's because I try to get my reward in the afterlife but I keep respawning and ending up in this crappy world so I gotta keep on suicide nading.
  22. We have transcended the talk of Shovels to bombs. -shovels Yama then suicide nades Engle-
  23. *revives* You know, there's a reason I'm a TEA Partier and not a #OWS-er. We abide by the laws and work within the system to bring about change. Look what happened. We established our own branches in every town, city, county, and what have you. Our goals are all the same but it's a completely decentralized organization that allows in all walks of life. Now, there was the Glenn Beck rallies and whatnot. Sure, that's a major rally. But it was an instance of a Conservative celebrity footing the bill for a national rally. Letters and emails were sent to the various TEA Party groups saying we want to make a big rally, bring your members, your neighbors, we'll have a day at the Mall where you get to see Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, we wave our flags around, and the we go back home, focusing on local elections, state elections, and start attacking the incumbents who brought us to this junction. While #OWS does this: Milk Street Cafe Owner Sacks 21 Employees As Consequence Of Occupy Wall Street Demonstration There's demonstrating, and then there's being parasites. I understand what #OWS wants...to a point. And the movement has allowed itself to be coopted by extremists on both left and right. And pretty soon it'll just be another get out the vote initiative by the DNC and Obama's reelection campaign.
  24. -blows the whole lot of you with suicide nades-
  25. On door duty. Mainly because I think dressing up in crazy-old-man costume and shooting them with NERF guns would be bad.
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