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Everything posted by Bunt

  1. Name: soulninja Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:7539793 Reasons for the Ban: Excessive teamkilling; -33 score with 20 minutes playtime on the server Recommended duration of ban: 1 month Demo Provided?: N
  2. So just to clarify your news feeds search for little girls for you on a regular basis?? Lol Funny pings does apparently bahah
  3. So i saw this on my newsfeed on facebook and had to post it up here, Just wait for Gangnam Style its great haha
  4. Me and my buddy steve singing some karaoke maybe a couple months ago
  5. make that 95 ahah
  6. bahahahah omg i hit the fourth task and was like FUCK!! bahah. lasted a little on that but failed in the end bahah. this is fun though great for your mind. highest i got after playing twice was 86
  7. OP AS FUCK!!!!! anyway lets do this guys i want a huge squad one of these days! Yerrr hit me up in game RogueReaper0
  8. shit happens man, to all of us, I've had my very bad streaks before, but all in all, just practice. Ask for advice on weapons and strategies while playing
  9. I am still a low level, but RogueReaper is my name add me up its fun as all hell
  10. I was there last night and will vouch for this. Both of them.
  11. Man makes me miss the D&D days in highschool... I used to play the tabletop version of that, and I would paint my teachers figures as well.
  12. Just fucking wow bahahah
  13. Thought this looked pretty damn good.. personally i would watch the shit out of this
  14. go on netflix and watch it.. for real.. its amazing that is all
  15. lol this one is effing great. love that they mashed the entire plot together, and made it funny with internet jokes going around bahah
  16. Second one is funny
  17. yep I was shutting it down after that last one nonetheless, i honestly hate open realisms with that many people not in BAR or MRB or people we know
  18. Just as an FYI I did perma ban le snoop yo aka NRG Lumberjack, and Bowflex Pr0 the other 3 I was not able to catch. this is all after I gave everybody multiple warnings, if you TK I will ban you. which is why those 2 are now banned.
  19. I am totally down for this game.. looks sweet
  20. Lol this is crazy cool, and dammit johnson.. I was hoping to put that up before anyone bahah, but +1 for that
  21. .... this topic is too easy to make fun of... in other news.. not a fantasy of mine, but if the girl likes it then sure i will ^_-
  22. for real.. fucking real life Paradox..
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