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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Bunt

  1. I really thought this video was cool, and just really showed a certain sign of respect, and acknowledgment to the disabled.. Showing that it honestly really doesn't matter, you don't have to be just like the rest of society to be beautiful. Kinda touched home, and thought I would share.
  2. Oh I'll see this all right.. and post all the lemurs of the movie on browns post.. I mean it's only natural
  3. no fucks given lol.. i don't look at the slope chute much.. I look at the more important shit
  4. So this guy's interpretation of Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus is amazing bahaha Oh and the first girl that they show is just like mesmerized by this man, it's like he took her back to the actual concert she went to. Like the look in her eyes is the complete replica of an anime character's eyes when they love something, she would marry this guy. Also the guy at 1:59.... PRICELESS!!! BAHHA
  5. From Martin...
  6. Oh and yes I've known of this group, honestly they are amazing.
  7. I'd sure like to fiddle with Lindsey Stirling mmmm Lindsey Stirling. celebrity crush? YES.. its true, Prolly because I play violin, and dance and so does she, and the fact that shes a nerd, its just all round amazingness.. oh and her HAIR.. her haaaaaiirrr lol I'm being a nerdy boy right now but you have to admit its true
  8. Fuck yes.. it's nice to see other people that will help out somebody else in need, I don't see it much anymore, although I know me and my friends have helped out plenty of people in our town, and seeing this is just honestly always great to see, some faith in humanity remains
  9. mannnn I have their albums bahaha, and I'll randomly bring it up to Stone from time to time hahah hey stooooneee... STOOOONEE!! WHAT?! I Fink you Freaky and I like you alawt
  10. lol wellll I didnt see it That's because Trolls spend to much time under their bridges and not looking at what people post!!!!! yea I went there
  11. Yeh thats what I'm thinking
  12. Trollololol this is a good one
  13. lol wellll I didnt see it
  14. Yep, this is just ridiculous
  15. And this is why QT needs to just stay in the kitchen
  16. is that Normandy? looks like an old bunker that they turned into an observation post no i take that back its not Normandy, but maybe something equivalent
  17. Trolling... By: SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB] With help from: 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB], and Lt. Col. B. Parker [1st MRB] Todays, troll.... Piss tests for the unit?!?! Hmmm sounds legit. It all started with an innocent request to get unbanned from vent, from a silly mistake... Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Hey Sir. SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: Yes? Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Can you get me unbanned from vent Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I was rolling my blunt when all of the sudden something fell on my keyboard. It kept switching me in channel in vent and now I am banned for spamming SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: Wait so you lied to us? Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: ? SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: You actually do smoke? Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I don't smoke Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I smoke pot SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: We are going to have to kick you from the unit if you keep this up Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: ? Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I can't smoke pot in the unit? Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Sorry dude didn't know Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: But i aint quiting either SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: Well we will bring you in the vent channel and you will have to take a piss test Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: ooh I get it SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: Thats good, this isn't a joke Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Tell me sir, how do i take this piss test? SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: we take things very seriously in this unit, and do not approve of such actions SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: well you take a piss test, and then you will have to post it up on the forums SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: we all had to do it Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Allright now I know you are messing with me Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I know people who smoke in this unit SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: I'm serious, why do you think you never see K. Swartz on very often? SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: it's because all the piss test records are in his office on the forums SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: he doesn't want to deal with all that SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: it's why hes only a 1stLt. SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: it's his only job and he can't even keep up with it Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Allright I'll just ask someone else Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: thx btw buddy Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: made me laugh SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: alright but I'm just saying, they will tell you the same thing Better let the crew know ---------- SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: if liekens asks to get unbanned from vent, there is a piss test everybody has to take for smoking pot in the unit. just go along with it 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: lol 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: he just msged me 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: parker know abou this? 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: knows* SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: well kinda yeah i told him what liekens asked ----- 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: uh 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: you do know that there is a policy about smoking weed 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: you gotta take a piss test Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: what? Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: How do i take a piss test? and why didn't anyone tell me about it ----- 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: wrong 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: so wrong SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: It old him SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: they are in K. Swatz office, he takes care of it all 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: done 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: nah he will rage and who knows maybe leave the unit SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: lol SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: well hold on SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: we will get him unbanned and have a quick talk with him SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: bahah 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: why would there be a policy about smoking weed? SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: lol 1stSgt. P. Jankovski [1st MRB]: lol ---------- Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Im asking a higher rank atm, I told him the same story. Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: If he reacts the same as you Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: my appolagies Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: but if not, youre a litle fucker for messing with me lol Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: oh shit.. Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: omg SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: I'm telling you, you have to Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Why didn't you guys mention this on bct's? SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: It's not something we mention right away Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I am sorry but I didn't know that Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: If this is actually real, I am out of this unit. Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I am drunk/ stoned all the time Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: if you guys have a problem with that im not gonna interupt you guys Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: but I still think you guys are messing with me tho Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: you can all be in the same channel SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: I don't know who you talked to SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: but currently in my channel there is Cannon, Reis, Parker, me, Willow, Holland, Smithers Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: HAHA, I got proof SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: proof of what? that the piss test is real? Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: You are probably just the same friking pothead like me Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I don't believe you anymore HA SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: I actually do not smoke pot, nor have i ever in my life SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: in fact I can show you proof SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: I'll have to take another piss test here soon Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Can you get me in vent? Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: talking is easier the typing SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: As I said, you have to take your piss test first and post it up on the forums, in K. Swartz's office Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Ok, ill just piss on my computer > SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: well that won't exactly prove to us you don't smoke SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: if anything, you will just fuck up your own computer SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: at the least make it smell like piss Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I am talking to my source wich I am not telling, and he says its null shit Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I gotta be honest with you Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: I got scared for a bit Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: Always was a bit sceptic about it SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: Ok well i really don't know who your source is, but they must not be a very good source, prolly somebody else who hasn't taken their piss test too, we still have some that need to SSgt. C. Bunt [1st MRB]: the new privates such as yourself.. and some even higher up that are behind on theirs Pfc. J. Liekens [1st MRB]: My source is pretty high end in the unit ---------- And heres a bit of a sound recording of the shenanigans that took place. Thank you cannon for the upload, and Parker for going along with all this So whats the moral of the story here kids? Weed is one hell of a gullible drug...
  18. Trollllololol.. yes.. I'm down
  19. lmao at the end of that last vid you posted yama.. bahahaha
  20. Reis lol
  21. Would you Play this? Because personally.. please.. shut up and take my money, this would be the best game ever honestly, Aaaaaaannndddd.. I would have to watch that guy that likes to film himself playing games, especially scary games the youtube guy I forget his name. But I would have to watch him play this if it came out haha
  22. Thought this was Pretty cool
  23. I think you are thinking of that one porno... set back in time.. y'know the one you watch all the time......
  24. I thought This was interesting and wanted to share with everyone else. Can we just talk about how awesome this planet is, I mean I find things like this fascinating and like reading up on them and looking into them more to learn more about them.
  25. erm.... link them? so we can see
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