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Everything posted by Viktor

  1. Finished!
  2. Step 6: Final details with the gun and other miscellaneous bits. For the gun, i chose to make it a wooden brown from P3, wash with Agrax Earthshade, and highlight with Jack Bone. Also for the gun's grip, base with Abaddon Black, Nulin oil to dull the shine, highlight with Administratum Grey. Last part is to Base it.
  3. Step 5: For the protruding foot, I decided to make it look fresh and bloody. To do that base with Khorne Red. Nulin Oil wash. Once that is dry, spot highlight with Mepheston Red. Finally add Ardcoat for a permanent wet glossy look.
  4. Step 4: Typhus Corrosion applied to some metallic areas as in the grenades, gun, and some pipes. Dry brush that with Ryza Rust for an old rust corrosion effect. Further dry brush with Runefang Steel for some scratch effects.
  5. Step 3 in my Death Guard painting: Metallics! Warplock Bronze on the shoulders with various highlights of Brass Scorpion and Runefang Steel. I then spotted it with Nihilakh Oxide and finally washed it all with Agrax Earthshade to dull the metal down. In various other places I based some joints with Leadbelcher and washed with Agrax Earthshade once again. The more shiny Leadbelcher areas will be covered in Typhus Corrosion with a drybrush of Ryza Rust!
  6. 2nd step in the Death Guard series. 3x layers of Athonian Camoshade from Citadel. Let each layer dry for approximately 1/2 hour or more in between each coat. I will let this guy dry while at work today.
  7. So for those of you that are interested in Warhammer/40k, I am thinking of doing a tiny step by step series on how I paint my Death Guard models to give some people that asked me how I painted my Nurgle figures in the past. 1st, P3 matte white primer. Let dry for at least 1-2 hours.
  8. Fuck off!
  9. Viktor


    Oh yea! Sniper time!
  10. Ive played Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm. Both are great games, but I get burned out pretty quickly.
  11. Just started WoW again last week to check out the new content, and today I got my Unholy DK Class Mount!
  12. Even the GoT's writers knew that Wraith of the Lich King was the best WoW expansion.
  13. Hahaha!!! Oh you kids and your rock bands..... Hahahaha!!!!!
  14. Name: confusedstranger Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:226969547 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racism. Obnoxious mic spamming. Demo Provided?: N Comments: None
  15. That worked! Thanks! *Resolved*
  16. I will test it out tonight. Thanks!
  17. Name: Z. Viktor Rank: WO Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software. Admin menu. Brief Description of Issue: Every time the menu is brought up, I cannot exit by pressing 0. 0 has not been bound to anything. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Pending Reply Researching Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician: J. Candy
  18. Name: SlayrS_BoxeR Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:199800348 Duration of Ban: 1 Wk Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: Yes https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cdip4s56vyph5hs/AADMLNC7LgbEDtvKhuMFUIDla?dl=0 Comments: User has been observed with a blatant aimbot by myself and others. 1stLt. Candy told me to ban him for a week and provide demo evidence.
  19. Demoted.
  20. Nope. It makes you fat.
  21. Never! I am going on almost 5 years without one now. Hahaha!
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