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Everything posted by Viktor

  1. Well kind of. I honestly hate exercising in public; always have and always will. But I wanted to get into lifting weights again after 10 years of being a slug, so how would I do this? I finally got myself motivated to buying some adjustable dumbbells and a workout bench from one of the guys in my motorcycle club. I put all of this in the garage, and am now on week 3 of my strength training! I may post an update or 2 every so often if anyone here is interested in my progress. By this time next year, my goal is to be able to crush the equivalent of a human skull with my bare hands! Here are a couple pictures for motivation:
  2. Viktor


  3. Name: **Mar_cella** Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12295321 Date & Time of ban: 7/3/2017 17:28EST Admin who banned you: SgtMaj. Z. Viktor Reason we should Unban: Was admin and trying to get the server under control. Accidentally band her.
  4. Final build progress for the day. I am hoping to finish up the Rhinos tomorrow.
  5. Tonight's progress. Land Raider fully assembled. 3 Rhino's 3/4 done. I will be attaching the resin Forge World stuff on them tomorrow. Plus, I will begin on assembling the Dark Imperium Death Guard men.
  6. Day 1 My 1st Death Guard box from Forge World came in. I need to scrub and prep the resin. Once that is done, and the other box(s) come in, I will show you all what I have built. Stay tuned!
  7. Oh yeah!
  8. Thanks everyone! Next up are the new Nurgle Marines. I will have a full battalion come this fall. I'll post my progress. The only mini that I can't show will be my Crystal Brush competition entry, as per the rules of the competition.
  9. Just the Fantasy and 40k versions of Warhammer.
  10. Thanks! Here's an update with my new and improved workstation.
  11. So 8th Edition just came out with their pre-orders today. I was requested to put some before and after pictures up of my previous works. So here you go! Let me know if you guys play!
  12. And ready for all 1stMRB tasks!
  13. Reinforced steel. Custom forged from BlackGuard Customs. A veteran owned and operated company. https://blackguard-customs.myshopify.com/
  14. Finally came in. It's custom made.
  15. If you have never played the original game from 1999, you missed out. This was the PC game to take the Action/Adventure genre's to a whole new level. So now the original developers of the game are re-launching it to a more streamline and graphically enhanced version for 2017+ technology. I can't wait until it's release! (Video is in German, but you can turn on English Subtitles if needed.)
  16. What's your name on Uplay? Mine's Vikkturr. Ill add you.
  17. And still plays it? I have 2 of my Vikings at 108 gear and would like a few people to do some games with, but the community is dying from what the forums and YT are saying. Just checking. Let me know.
  18. I have it but got a bit burnt out. Add me on Origin if you all want. Vikkturr is the name on there. https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf1/profile/pc/Vikkturr
  19. 2005 Night Train fuel Injected. I got this baby for $8500 with only 9000 miles on it last year. I sold my old Sportster a couple of months ago.
  20. Hush son, or you will be sent to the demotion corner with the rest of the kids.
  21. The only really bad part was my wrist bone. Otherwise it wasn't terrible. My artist even said that he was surprised that I was able to stay still. I said that I've been through worse. haha!
  22. Yep. The entire thing. Pain tolerance is over 9000. lol
  23. All done with the single needle. Needless to say, it didn't tickle. lol
  24. Danke guys!
  25. New one that I got today. Vegvisir (Norse Compass)
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