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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Viktor

  1. During the anniversary last night, some of you were asking where I have been. Well to make a very long story short, I got custody of my kid. Also, cats and I still haven't cut my hair. lol Here are a few pictures:
  2. Check out my absolutely TERRIBAD game play in BF1. lol
  3. So for those of you that haven't played Battlefield 1 yet, I recorded the intro to the campaign.
  4. Hey Everyone. For those of you that don't know already, I decided to start streaming some video game play, specifically Blizzard's Overwatch on YouTube. Apparently if I get enough viewers and subscribers, ill be able to make a bit of extra money on the side for my kid. I'll be live streaming some ranked play tomorrow between 430-5ish until around 7. I would greatly appreciate any subscribers, and of course feel free to share my channel to anyone who my be interested. If you are into Blizzard games, my tag is Vikkturr#1627. Thanks everyone! https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxAxkvDCJe7sfkcdkDgWe1EyLU68X1z47
  5. Viktor


    Hey everyone! So I have been extremely busy with work and gaining custody of my kid, so hence the reason why I have been away for so long. Also, I just got Overwatch, and have been playing that pretty often. While playing, I figured I go ahead and try my luck with Fraps and try to record some of my highlights/plays of the game. Check out my YouTube playlist where I will be uploading videos on the regular! Here is the playlist so far:
  6. Only when I don't have enough beer. lol
  7. Fuck it. Voting for him. Now where do I sign up for the SS camps?
  8. Basically. lol
  9. One cannot smile when one is so dapper.
  10. Fuck that horseshittery.
  11. Downfall of Nur
  12. So while I have been on ELOA, I bought a house, got a new engineering gig at the same place that I have been at for almost 2 years now, my cats grew up, and it snowed.... once.
  13. Hahahaa!
  14. Grats
  15. Ur fukken avatar.... I can't. So demoted.

  16. Woot!
  17. Viktor

    I'm Back!

    Well everyone. I finally got the house, and am all moved in. I hope to be a bit more active with the unit now that things are starting to mellow out a bit. I have been playing a lot of AoE 2 and TF 2 lately, so if you would like to join me, feel free! I'll see everyone in the server!
  18. Viktor


    Lol thanks guys.
  19. Viktor


    Well as most of you have seen, I have started to show up a bit more in the pub and on vent, but I am not quite ready to come back from ELOA just yet. I just got a big promotion at work to the Electronic Engineering department and I just bought a house. Once everything calms down and im moved into the new house, you will all be seeing a lot more of me. Woot!
  20. I thought I read somewhere that people like that try to get Military discounts by walking around in a uniform. Also, I saw that they're going to talk about this on the CBS Morning Show today. THIS. Ya I have seen one person in uniform at a Home Depot trying to get the 10% discount on tools, but some Marine called him out on it. I was about to go up to him and just give him a beat down right there, but he jetted out of there post haste. Apparently he didn't have a government ID or VA card and had something wrong with his ACU's. I'm not too familiar with the Marine or Army ACU patches, so I just took the Marine Vet's word for it.
  21. Not all that impressed so far, BUT I will give it a chance. Mainly because it IS Star Wars and all.
  22. More glowing from later tonight:
  23. Just wanted to show off my pumpkin collection. The brightest one is the Hearthstone pumpkin.
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