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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Viktor

  1. Sounds great! Maybe even use it as a recruitment gimmick?
  2. Following. Mine is http://www.twitch.tv/vikkturr Once I start streaming Hearthstone, WoW, and DoD I will let everyone know!
  3. Thanks gents! I will keep everyone updated and start streaming some gaming when I get the new computer. Maybe even some DoD game play of our server.
  4. Looks like I may have to get a new computer and OS since I still have XP. Damn me and being poor. :/
  5. I am thinking of streaming my HearthStone games on Twitch.tv. Has anyone done this before? If so, could you help me out with getting set up? I would greatly appreciate it.
  6. We honored Canada's Cpl. Nathan Cirillo here in Pittsburgh. We salute you! http://www.viralnova.com/hockey-o-canada/?np=5&ns=11677
  7. Viktor


    lol <3
  8. Viktor


    Just posting this up here to see who in the unit plays Hearthstone? I know its just me and Capt. Johnson so far. If you want to add me, my blizz id is: Vikkturr#1627 http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/?-
  9. Name: Sir Spank Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:91517181 Reasons for the Ban: Under careful speccing by myself and Blu Turtle, we determined that this player has blatant wallhacks. Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N
  10. This made me lol
  11. Name: Stifffffffffler Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:79112223 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Major Disrespect to 1st MRB members and pubbers. Demo Provided?: N Comments: 1stSgt. Arsenault was also in the server at the time.
  12. grats
  13. Grats.
  14. My eyes... and ears.
  15. Name: Reiden Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:55221 Reasons for the Ban: Comes in, TK's, leaves. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week. Demo Provided?: N
  16. Viktor

    My New Toys

  17. Name: Morrie's Wigs Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:43948106 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Disrespecting Admins/Players and Racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: None
  18. Name: Some Cunt Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:48529713 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: I tried to ban him for a week, but it made it permanent for some reason. Pure troll is the main reason. Demo Provided?: N Comments: BluZooka and SSgt. Wilson were both speccing him beforehand due to his poor attitude and over all horrible trolling.
  19. Burn Cannon.... BURN!
  20. 1 Year ago today, I was promoted from Recruit to Private making this my official 1 year anniversary as a re-enlistee! Woot! Graduated BCT 221 on August 6th, 2013.
  21. Ya I caved in and turned in my paperwork yesterday. Just a waiting game now.
  22. lol wth
  23. Viktor

    WoW Guild

    Do you play World of Warcraft? Are you interested in the new Warlords of Draenor expansion? Would you like to join a guild with your fellow 1st Marine Raiders? Then join the Followers of the Frost guild! Add me on your battle tag friends at Vikkturr#1627 and join the server! "With a Guild Leader that has nearly 10 years of WoW experience, we can say that you will find the Followers of the Frost to be an exceptional guild to be in! We are currently looking for characters of all levels to prepare for the new WoD expansion. Do this by leveling, progressing in your Professions, and of course getting to the end game raiding content; which will be our main goal! Help this guild accelerate to greatness and become a Follower of the Frost!"
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