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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Viktor

  1. In Pittsburgh. Very safe here. lol
  2. Put it in a concealed metal box with a fire cracker inside of it. Light it up and watch it explode.
  3. Perfect job once again everyone!
  4. Ok thanks for the heads up. I guess I should have stated that I have a Samsung Galaxy Light with T-Mobile. Ill take a look at the data usage settings.
  5. Does anyone know if the Steam app (for messaging) on any smart phone take up data usage while not on a wi-fi connection?
  6. Nice job Candy. lol Cannon.
  7. *rolls eyes*
  8. Viktor


    Ya I was trying to find it. Oh well. lol
  9. Viktor


    This is what happens when I steal the other team's MG and plant 3 of 4 of the bombs.
  10. What date was this posted on?
  11. Ooh-rah, Cpl. Kyle Carpenter. The Corps' newest Medal of Honor recipient was awarded today. 19 June 2014
  12. The original one was better. This one seems to have too many trolls and TONS of hackers.
  13. Grats!
  14. Happy B-day!
  15. +1... She's hot and all, but that's about it.
  16. TONS of cliff hangers. A few questions for next season: 1. Is Dog going to die? 2. Where is Tyrion going to go to next? 3. Where is Arya (or whatever the spelling is) going to go and do next? 4. Is the Mountain going to survive? 5. When will the Dragon Queen cross the sea? If at all?
  17. Have you tried to re-install your mic software? And what brand of mic/headset do you have?
  18. Was an E-5 in the Navy. Did a ton of spec-war stuff. Got out 4 years ago. I hurt a lot now. Thats about it.
  19. Name: Silverflame Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:10003815 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Admin Disrespect Demo Provided?: N Comments: Multiple admins in the server as witnesses.
  20. Name: Spetsnaz™ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:15088587 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racisim Demo Provided?: N Comments: Multiple admins in the server as witnesses.
  21. Something.
  22. Happy B-day!
  23. Happy B-day!
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