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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Viktor

  1. I was just wondering overall really, Tech Sgt. The PTU stance is a good thing to have really. I think (well from what I have seen and heard so far in my short week in the unit), that if you really want a weapon full time, just MOS for it. I know I'll be doing as many as I can if thats possible. But I gotta pass the BCT's next monday. Thanks for the info!
  2. Just an overall question to see what your opinions are about this. If you are seeing a player in (for instance) the pub server with a bad KDR but is trying to help out the team for caps, bombs, ect, do they necessarily look bad to the upper CoC? What do you guys think about this?
  3. Viktor

    Quote Thread

    Bunt: Viktor, stop laughing. Your making me laugh too much and now my score is negative! Viktor: Hahahahhahaha Bunt: Hahaha, omg im crying now. Everyone else on the server: Hahahaa. This was last night.
  4. Suicide Silence - Unanswered http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...+reign&aq=0 All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbfoiAqSAqk The Acacia Strain - Terminated Dimmu Borgir - Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse Cradle Of Filth - Babylon AD Marilyn Manson - This is the New Shit Reaver - The Four Horemen (Leviathan Pt. II) The last 1 there is a local band from Yorktown, Virginia. The guy that says "Welcome the Apocalypse" is me. If you want any info on Reaver, just ask me. And also, there are a few more bands that I like, but from these you get the point of what kind of music I like.
  5. I think Zahl means Discrimination. Unless we are all a different race?
  6. Id surf one of the cars going down that river. lol
  7. Nice. I never saw MM live in his glory days unfortunately. Those concerts that he has on his DVD were massive though.
  8. Roger that sir. Ty.
  9. Just had a quick question about how to get your ribbons on your signature. Im sure its posted elsewhere on the forums, but since I only have Rec status, I can only really see this and the Recruit depot. But, how could I get them posted on my signature when I have earned them?
  10. lol
  11. Thats called the VBSS team. Visit, Board, Search and Seizure. We were pretty much the police of the sea. What we did was we boarded ships and inspected cargo and personnel hunting down pirates and terrorists. And at times if we were caught in a fire fight, sometimes we just gotta kill every1 on the ship. If you take the Land and Air out of the SEALS, thats what we are.
  12. Here's another 1. I'm point on the top with the tattoo...
  13. Bottom row, 3rd from the left is me on the Team.
  14. lol folsom. not a bad song, ill give you that. how about....
  15. Is foreigners that are so damned horrible, yet they try and talk trash to you even though you are superior to them in gaming and probably even an overall mental status. I played League of Legends before DoD:S, and let me tell you, the frustration that you get from people that try to join a dominate English speaking game when they cant even read what buttons to click... Ugh, the rage... Just felt like bitching i suppose.
  16. That is horrible... I think my ears have bled out a bit... This should be a bit better for any of you metal fans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbfoiAqSAqk
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