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Rouleau 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Rouleau 1st MRB

  • Birthday 10/12/1994

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    New York

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Forum Lurker (15/91)



  1. To answer Goodwin's riddle: I guess you could turn on one light switch and wait ten minutes for the light bulb to get hot and then turn it off. Afterwards turn on the second light switch and head upstairs. If the light bulb is hot then the first switch turns on the light, if the light is on than the second switch turns it on, and if the light is off and cold the third switch turns it on. Oh and for a riddle You have a chicken, a bag of corn, and a wolf. Your standing next to a river with a raft and need to get all three over the river safely. The wolf will eat the chicken and the chicken will eat the corn if you are not there. The raft is falling apart and can only carry you and one item at a time also the raft will break if you cross the river more than seven times. How do you get across?
  2. Oh snap, this is going to be one of my top picks of the year along with Skyrim.
  3. In my opinion Alaska will never be given to Canada. Alaska as it is is one of the USA's most strategic locations. Alaska's rich abundance of natural resources are in the form of low grade oil, of which there is more than 25 BILLION barrels estimated in the Prudhoe Bay area, the overabundance of Pacific Salmon and other wildlife, the large supply of coal, gold, iron, and other natural minerals, and Alaska is a very large farming state. Although most of you would think that Alaska is a frozen wasteland, with its almost constant sunlight in the summer, comfortable 80 degree F weather, and nitrogen enriched soil Alaska produces some of the largest vegetables in the world and a lot of it. Now besides all of this Alaska also holds the USA missile defense system in Fort Richardson, AK. This system protects the US from any long range missile threat including ICBMs loaded with nuclear warheads. On top of this Fort Wainwright is also the military's cold weather training and research facility. With all of this said and I having lived in Alaska for 4 years on a military base of my 16 years of life, I would die before I see Alaska handed over to anyone even the Canadians. Oh and for those who think Canada could take over Alaska just know that there are over 25,000 active duty soldiers stationed in Alaska alone thats about 1/4 of the Canadian military including there reserves; the USA's military is about 3 million active and reserves so good luck to the fool who tries to take Alaska from the USA.
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