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Orozco BAR

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About Orozco BAR

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Forum Lurker

Forum Lurker (15/91)



  1. Happy birthday Ultra!
  2. There's more...
  3. Kick ass, Giraffe!
  4. Whoa! Nice work, Ultra. Congrats on finishing, and finishing close to your original goal. Knees are the worst :|
  5. That felt like a non-satirical version of Log.
  6. Wait wait wait. This is a joke? I just spent the last 3 hours trying to perfect my "galaxy method"! Dammit, Lafy!!!
  7. I just found out two days ago that a friend of mine has been working on this! So stoked.
  8. As a clarification, it crashed around 10:34, but immediately went back up (we filled it fairly quickly, too!) This crash was right before I joined the server, so I can't give any details on what was happening when it went down.
  9. Whoa. Can I get some of what you're smoking? Bowling with galaxies? Sweeeeeeeet. Oh. You mean the "Galaxy" ships. Yeah, I've noticed that... I guess the randomly disappearing textures/entiregame IS a little annoying... Still, overall it's pretty fun.
  10. Hey, try holding down Alt, then on your numpad type "130", then release Alt (assuming you're not on a laptop - I don't think it works on laptop numpads). Wééééééé... Wèèèèèè......... Wêêêêêê!!!! Wææææ!!! Wâââââ??? £âf¥'s having fun now. Also, to get back on topic, my least favorite part of Planetside 2 is how it always seems to need to download new data for like 10 minutes every time I go to play it. </firstworldproblems>
  11. Hey, try holding down Alt, then on your numpad type "130", then release Alt (assuming you're not on a laptop - I don't think it works on laptop numpads). Wééééééé...
  12. I just made a new Waterson NC guy, since that appears to be the prevailing server/faction. I've only played for an hour or so, though, so I still don't really know what I'm doing.
  13. i have no arms!
  14. Excellent work, as always!
  15. Aaaaaah, shit. This brings me back. Dhaler Mendhi plays a mean air sitar.
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