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About Elder

  • Birthday 11/07/1993

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  • Location
    Hudson, Massachusetts

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Forum Blow-Up Doll

Forum Blow-Up Doll (37/91)



  1. LOL i had about like 11 or 12 shots of absolut, followed by a nice couple budweisers.
  2. There is different kinds of snuss... I know that Marlboro sells a few types in the local gas stations and such
  3. I do... I don't honestly know why I did it, you know I didn't mean to do it... I'm sorry
  4. I used to smoke cigarettes, but I will never do dip.. not my sorta thing. I would smoke up to a pack aday... but I quit, been a good 3 months.
  5. Name: Doobies 4 Noobies (Garrett) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:32702038 Date & Time of ban: 2/11/2012 12:48 AM Admin who banned you: Legend Excuse for the Unban: I was just singing a rap, and got banned for racism. I did say the "n" word.. but it was part of the lyrics, it wasn't meant against anyone at all... literally.
  6. (I'm the one with the yellow and black hat in the front) I was pretty fucked up at this point.
  7. This was the flag that was brought out onto the field of our Thanksgiving Day Game (along with the color guard) It was about 50 feet long ( I believe) This is me getting up into 72's face... he was pissing me off. Some more Turkey Day pictures.. This is during the Super Bowl. I'm number 54 (goin in for the kill) Some more Super Bowl pics..
  8. I didn't mean for offense to be given... I just thought that he made a mistake, I'm sorry
  9. I was talking about my super bowl dumbass... and don't talk about the pats game -.-
  10. I Lift, and run. I focus on all of my main muscle groups (I.E. legs, chest, bi's, tri's, back, and so on..) I run about 1-2 miles everyday... staying in shape for college football and the Army cause my senior season ended a while ago (on a somewhat good note though... we went to the superbowl, but ended up losing 7-0)
  11. Elder

    can somebody

    Don't forget to fill out the form that is located in the QM office too! (:
  12. Canabis does not make you helucinate... it was either shrooms or acid.... Shrooms most likely.
  13. not as good as the bruins though...
  14. This whole pay for a game thing makes no sense... --what is this????
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