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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Frantz

  1. Hmmm remembering that far for me is tough. I got into DoDs after nuying valve pack a few years back. Im a biig fan of WW2 history and the like. so i downloaded this game to my shitty laptop and began playing. I first hopped on to The 1st MRB server i think on like a thursday or something. And was playing getting my ass handed to me by various members of the the Raiders. Then i saw a recruitment ad. read it and went hmmm. So i kept playing having a good time raging and killing stuff and getting my first shovel kill on a pubber (SHOVEL BRIGADE!!!!). So after a few days of playing on the server i decided what the hell why not. So i believe it was on a sunday that i applied (i dont remember sadly) and I distinctly remember asking Magoo how the hell do i do all this crap. Because the 1st MRB is the first gaming community i had joined. So after i went though training i finally got rather into playing DoDs I was 16 n a half when i joined, I am now 18 and every moment of playing DoDs has been with all of you and i love every ounce of it Semper Fidelis, OORAH!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hey guys! Im finally back! Id like to apologize for not putting an ELOA. Alot of family stuff has been going on latley and i havent been home much at all. Again id like to apologize for that. Anyways its time for me to play some DoDs cuz i havent seen my PC in FOREVER!!!!!!!!! Tell me how yall are doin
  3. Thanks guys. Im 18 and still feel the same lol
  4. lmfao! ok my morning just became awesome
  5. OORAH! ill be going aswell summer of 2013 I WANT MY FOXHOLE NOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Hey does anyone here have Mount and Blade Warband. Im willing to trade a few games for it
  7. Dell Studio 1550 Inspiron Win 7
  8. lol glad icould help m8 i actually had that same issue bout ten mins ago
  9. Do you have the Mute button on. its in lower left of vent
  10. Im lost and saw a comic of two naked guys WTF IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!??! Btw its 1 i did the math myself
  11. Ok so the 1stMRB's Birthday is the 21st, well after realizing this its also my dads 41st birthday so me is gonna be celebratin two fo them
  12. OORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Semper Fidelis! *Salute*
  14. Im down. who we robbin?
  15. OOOORAH!!!!!!!!! (random animal noise) and dang i forgot i started this
  16. LMFAO!!!!
  17. LOL. hwhy thank you Grant
  18. Frantz


    Why is it such an accurate video on CS:S players LMFAO
  19. Lol no he didnt
  20. One of my favorites, Well done Martinez very well done
  21. Brantley Gilbert Take it outside WOULD BE PERFECTO!!
  22. I GOIN TO SEE DIS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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