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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Frantz

  1. Wth do u find this beautiful shit . I LOVE IT
  2. GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. "He who sheds blood with me, Shall forever be my brother." Semper Fidelis and Oorah!! For all servicemen and women that have died for this country, and have yet to come home. I salute you for all the things you have done for us, we would not be living the way we do now, if it wasn't for the sacrifice you have made to ensure our freedom. *Salute*
  4. Oh holy shit, i think ive seen the guy whos talkin alot somewhere WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Frantz

    M16 vs AK-47

    Both weapons are excellent tools of war. The AK, very rugged, very reliable, high caliber, adaptable. The M16 very light, accurate, reliable, adaptable. the AK has many variants, such as the AK74. The AK however due to its design is not as adaptable as the M16. While it has a higher caliber, the reputation of never jamming, as well as being a favorite of ALLAH AKBAR! groups, It does not have the capability to be as flexible, other wise it would not be an AK ; the M16 as we see it today, can adapt to almost any situation, it can be out-fitted with many "gadgets" making it very effective. Thats doesnt go to say the AK doesnt have perks either. The AK is the most widely used weapon on the planet, and for good reason. I love them both, But because i believe that its not the shots you make, but that its the ones that hit, I will rule in favor of the M16. Only because of accuracy, and slightly more adaptability, But if i had to choose a gun that just chews a bitch up, then ill take an AK. For me it depends on the particular situation. Well thats my blabber, i have no idea if itll make sense cuz i typed this in 2 mins, but hey i got my point out there
  6. Oh holy shit.... that was freakin godzilla
  7. http://terminallance.com/
  8. Dawson.... that last pic is scary.... and Thomas you are officially the WTF awesome video guy
  9. I do indeed own this game. n i love it
  10. Frantz

    Behold Bitches

  11. Im laughing so hard!!!!!!!
  12. Good thing the Drill Instructor knew what to do when the recruit threw it wrong
  13. Giants/Jets
  14. What song is that cuz i want
  15. All except for Metal and Industrial. I listen to Alot of Rap, and Hip hop, Techno, Trance. Anything with a good beat to it i listen to
  16. I do remember that. I had spectated and watched for about a minute when one off the players mentioned then he left
  17. Blueberrys Blueberrys Blu...... UH OH Sad but funny atst
  18. I think he means that you find to many good videos. Which is awesome
  19. Frantz


    WOW. Maines you find some of the weirdest shit in DODs
  20. yes really ;D
  21. Merry Christmas all 1stMRB. Donated 10$ to help out. And to give a gift to my good friends in the 1stMRB. See you in the pub and Semper Fidelis
  22. Terminal Lance “Merry Christmas!”
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