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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Frantz

  1. On a scale 10 to 10 how bad did the kid get chewed out
  3. I got really drunk one time. fell asleep on a couch. then found my self in my front yard. XD
  4. Perfect example of this... Columbine I am in total agreement. Friends, or dead
  5. If anyone still does play my soliders names are. Sharklock and Sharkassault XD
  6. I play. Player name is "Edos Prime"
  7. Hes offering it all to u Evo Name: Nicholas M. Frantz Reason fro not buying: Well my dad recently bought it and was like u gotta get this. Sadly im as broke as a rock Also, Cast, thank you for your generosity to the unit. Even if i dont win. Thank you very much for spending your hard earned money on us fun loving crazies XD
  8. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They should not have banned this. I would die of laughter so fast if i saw this on tv
  9. Lol. No Arms. Ok what has 3 eyes, 7 legs and 1 arm?
  10. What is..... The...... Secret Question of a question, with a question, plus 2 questions, minus 3 questions, times 1
  11. I did tell them you found it We had a good laugh about it in vent Good find
  12. Lol. yes their time will come.... but when??? that is the question
  13. I found this on r facebook page. I found it hilarious. Major Parker please dont hate me. but i had too
  14. Parker u need to get on facebook page. Theres a rather funny photo up there.
  15. Hm mmm. all the nice people are Canadian, what does that make us Americans???
  16. Dawson ill play with ya anytime
  17. Sweet. we should get a game going sometime. I play Britz only
  18. Just wanting to know if anyone would like someone to play CoH with. Im always down for a good fight
  19. I want to thank the older parts of my family for serving during WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. I would also like to thank my Mom, and Dad as they both served in the Navy. Dad 7 years, Mom going on 20. And soon in a little over 10 months i will joining in my family's great tradition of serving this amazing country that we live in I would also like to thank every man, and women who served, and will serve,in the past, present, and future. For the sacrifices that they have made for this country. Without you our freedom may have never come to be. *Salute!* Semper Fi
  20. My riddle is still up hehe
  21. Awesome vid, elf you will be missed, good luck with your future endeavors
  22. If 1+1=2 and 2+2=fish, whats 3+3??? I wouldnt know what to do
  23. It wasnt me i swear
  24. SHOVELS FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!
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