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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Frantz

  1. Wow thast scary. i would be too if i was that recruit
  2. OORAH thats what Boot Camp is all about
  3. SALT!!!! YOU MUST HAVE SALT ON WATERMELON!!!!!! It taste ok without, but its best with salt.
  4. Ill be going to East coast. Paris Island SC. I want to MOS in Force Recon. do that for a few years then do Scout Sniper. Hardcore jobs, but i dont want to do them just for the respect earned for becoming apart of them, i want to do those thing because Ill make a difference and save lives that wont have to be lost in the years to come.
  5. oh heheh.
  6. heheh wow
  7. Hmmmmm ima look it up see what i find
  8. Happy Birthday guys. hope to see you in the pub so i can get my punches in haha
  9. Awesome
  10. I really cant wait to get to boot camp( although ive been told that isnt good) but yea im counting down the days till i enlist so 27 days left
  11. Thats a sweet song
  12. Ok so ive been planning on joining the USMC for a long time, well my 17th birthday is in 27 days and im quite literally counting them down. cuz on the 28th im going to enlist and DEP in. I hope it goes smoothly cuz its getting closer by the day
  13. Hey hastings thanks for your post man. Im very glad that you took it upon yourself to post this, and as Teachey said, "it really does take a man to admit his own mistakes." see you in the pub later and have fun!!!!
  14. watch this one. you have to watch it all the way through. last part is awesome
  15. this one comes outta now where. and gets stuck in my head for days lolsz
  16. Ford the link had me laughing my ass off.
  17. that must hae been a ride. hope all goes well. and everybody else, had me laughing quite a bit with some of the comments
  18. Frantz

    It's been....

    OH YEAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! so yea like brown said we r destroying other units and fillinz da pubby
  19. Another one that i remember is when jones, Brown, and i think Elf was there too. Well anyways, If i remember right Jones and Brown were killing no one but eachother for an entire round. it was pretty hilarious.
  20. wow. thats pretty freaking sweat sounding
  21. thats sounds like hed rage
  22. i remember that. he was not happy
  23. Ok i wanna hear about some of he best moments and of course funny, stupid, random moments, etc, etc. Ill start it off. Ok about 2 months ago i think. Kim, Brown, and me were ummmmm a lil ummm crazy one night. the three of us decided to go onto the pub after venting on vent. so we get on the server and just start killing eachother like suicide nading, shoveling/knifing/fisting, etc etc. well we eventually got kim banned by accident( sorta ) we had a blast and we were laughing ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!
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