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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Frantz

  1. ok last night i broke my mic accidentally and now tht will probably be bad. im gonna try to get a new one asap
  2. Happy birthday. have a good time and im gonna get my birthday kills on you next time i see ya on pub.
  3. Personally, I think if it gets to rough on the other side, then we should help them, but only if they really do need the help. Its very surprising how the middle east and northern Africa are falling apart so quickly, if this continues then its going to spread and hit everything else. We need to be ready for the years to come because i believe that wont be as peaceful as now
  4. Cabin boys + Victor= easy rifle kills
  5. Frantz


    i tripped over a pen when getting a snack
  6. ok yall its 6am and on feb 13. and kim brown and i are on the pub like an hour before doing wat we do best. and thts having fun lolololol. so yea we had a good time if yall want more details ask any of the three of us and we may tell u if those two hopefully remember lmfao
  7. My favorite kind of music is Classical and techno/trance. it so happen tht our 1st MRB video has one of my favorite songs by Two Steps from Hell(they're awesome). its Heart of Courage. and Dj Zany is my favorite Techno musician.
  8. lol lots of great replies like all of the quotes. especially ones made by military men and women
  9. My top Five!!! 5. "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN, 1985 4. "There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion." Gen. William Thornson, U.S. Army 3. Courage is endurance for one moment moreā€¦ Unknown Marine Second Lieutenant in Vietnam 2."Retreat Hell! We're just attacking in another direction." Major General Oliver P. Smith, USMC And my personal favorite 1."One very specific man might be all that stand between humanity and the greatest threat of our brief existence." (idk who said this) These are my Favorite five. post ur top 3, 5, 10000 quotes. it may get really interesting
  10. the things ppl do on there free time is just surprising. hehe this was still funny as hell though
  11. Tht was an amazing video and i agree with victor. lets go SHOVEL BRIGADE
  12. wow like wtf but i wanna play it now
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