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Everything posted by Levesque

  1. I believe when your teacher told you about "tableau" he meant arrays instead of tables. So here is a startup you can use : <html> <head> </head> <title>Ex. 4</title> <body bgcolor="Blue"> <script language=javascript> var monTableauDePrenom = new Array(3); monTableau [0] = "Prenom1"; monTableau [1] = "Prenom2"; monTableau [2] = "Prenom3"; var monTableauPlusGrand = new Array(4); monTableauPlusGrand = ajouterPrenom(monTableauDePrenom); //TODO afficher le tableau function ajouterPrenom(monTableauDePrenom) { var monTableau = new Array(4); monTableau [0] = monTableauDePrenom [0] monTableau [1] = monTableauDePrenom [1] monTableau [2] = monTableauDePrenom [2] monTableau [3] = "Prenom4"; return monTableau; } </SCRIPT> </body> </html>
  2. This is actually working good. Of course you could have something cleaner with button and input text instead of having it loaded on the body load but still it does the job done.
  3. I can help you on that either in french or english you choose. I don't see why you want to do that but post your actual code and i'll see what I can do.
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