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Ducky MoMo

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Ducky MoMo

  1. Name: Grunkle Stan Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:46757737 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing and team wounding after multiple warnings to stop. Recommended duration of ban: I banned him for a week, i think it should be permanent as he was quite interntionally teamkilling, and even said "I'm going to throw nades in spawn" Demo Provided?: No, but Kanganis, Arsenault, and BortchBomber (sp) were there as witnesses.
  2. I didn't know where to post this, so slope chute it is. I've been thinking bad thoughts recently, suicidal ones, and when i got to thinking, you, the 1st MRB and BAR were the only thing that really kept me from doing it. So thank you, you all are the best lads i have ever played with. This was short, because i didn't want to get into detail and don't want my dad seeing this. SO do not message me about this please, on steam, or anywhere. Again, thank you so much guys.
  3. Well, i'll never get that minute back
  4. Soooo... I spent two minutes moving my mouse inbetween the dots, then i noticed the start button.
  5. Made my day, thank you
  7. Never has there been a more awesome music video on the forums. Thank you, i will promptly check iTunes for the badassery
  8. Click would be correct, sorry, typo. And i shall message you my email as soon as i can send another message.
  9. Luna, you are the best. Could you just change that please, then send me the vtf file. Don't use media fire though please, everytime i use it i get ad bombed
  10. I want it to be something scary, yet disturbing, like the Amnesia monster. Do you guys have any ideas? P.S. No violent images of real people dying or anything you deam to be over the top disturbing. I do not want nightmares, thank you.
  11. Seems to have fixed it, thank you. On another note my computer runs a hell of a lot better. Thank you, i did not know of that pert of my start menu as well, but could you still see if there is a way to open a more in depth task manager? If not, that's fine, but just in case that happens again, i think that should fix it.
  12. Name: Judge Dredd Rank: BAR Officer Type of issue: Software Brief Description of Issue: When i turn on my computer, i have to sign into steam. When i sign in, 50% of the time it doesn't work, it says it couldn't connect. Then, i cannot try and open it because it says it is already running. t does not show up in a task manager located in ctrl+alt+del.The only way to get out of it is to restart my computer, which takes 5 minutes to boot up, and i accidently dowloaded a crap load of startup stuff which i have to exit. I tried deleting these things, but couldn't. Are they playing a role in this problem? Is there a way i can access a deeper kind of task manager like the computer has when shutting off and saying that program is running, then turning it off? Sorry if this is hard to understand, but it's become very annoying and i just nearly threw my voice out and got grounded for screaming at the computer about it. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Sgt R. Marchese Supporting Technician:Bryant
  13. Hey guys, odd, but i like this MMO kinda, and was wondering if anybody else had it and wanted to play with me sometime? Lord Of The Rings: Online that is. idk how to do friends, as i am very new, but yeah, hit me up.
  14. *Salute*
  15. No, not too much, i still have random 20 second lags that sometimes mess up my internet for a minute or so, but that is all. Thank you for the assistance
  16. Name: Ducky MoMo Rank: BAR Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Brief Description of Issue: So i have two problems, one minor and just a question. The minor question is, what can i change in my cfg to make it show the bullet holes in people? And the second, it started yesterday and has gotten progressivly worse. I play dods, and if i play on our server, my internet stops working and disconnects. I can play on other servers so far, without this error. What could i do to fix this? I am doing a virus scan now, also, to see if that may be the problem. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: N. Holland Supporting Technician:
  17. whenever i get in a knife fight and they just pull out a pistol and shoot me. http://s1152.photobucket.com/albums/p497/D...ent=2066851.jpg
  18. idk, i'm saving up and getting that for my fiancee (when i have one) for her wedding ring
  19. Ducky MoMo


    I found a PP-19 skin i would like to use for my MP40 in DoDs, but it is a CSS file. Is there any way to change it? Thank you, have a nice day
  20. I got about a minute in, then turned it off for the lack of vocabulary choice. But, if i were that guy, i'd have just left. Trolls have no lives and you should,'t give them satisfaction. Sorry for being random and not staying on topic. But fuck these guys, they should get Microsoft or whatever company they use and get fucking banned. This is evidence of griefing, and the fag word is derogitive(sp) so he could get banned for being homiphobic towards others. *sigh* sorry, just trolls really piss me off.
  21. VERY GOOD!! Best puzzle game out there in my opinion. Makes you really think.
  22. Now we all know how to make pigeons fun instead of just crap makers. Thanks for the idea.
  23. He was actually warned a few times by Maines and myself, so his ban should be a lot longer, possible permanent. He was -10 when he left. Marsden told me to reply to this btw, i'm not just being an ass.
  24. sorry, idk how to make a video playable on this site, like you guys do.
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