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Everything posted by ClickClickahShit

  1. Name: snow Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:520680335 Duration of Ban: Perma Reasons for the Ban: used the n word after being told not to and being disrespectful to players Demo Provided?: N Comments: I recommend perma since he knew what he was doing. Feel free to lower the ban if you'd like.
  2. Happy Birthday Amigo!
  3. Name: Cl!cK Rank: BAR Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Server/DODs Brief Description of Issue: It's been happening for about 2 weeks now. Everytime I try to type something into chat using "y" or "u" it never displays. I can use admin chat and my mic though for some reason. But specifically in our server I can't use either commands to talk. I thought it was DODs but I joined a different server and everything was normal. I thought I was even gagged in the server and that wasn't the case. Let me know if you need anymore information. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Unresolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  4. Harding yerrrrrrrr
  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes guys! You're all awesome! :]
  6. Name: Benji Dooble Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:51817559 Duration of Ban: Perma Reasons for the Ban: fully intention tking in pub with mg. Knew ff was on. Demo Provided?: Negative :| Comments: Understandable if you need to reduce.
  7. Name: Sergeant Major Pyle Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:41765826 04:51 Duration of Ban: Perma Reasons for the Ban: Mic spam, TKing, and more mic spam. Comments: I warned him, warned him again, and acted with a perma. if the officers would like to decrease the duration, totally understand.
  8. Name:VegetaLegs Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:23415592 Duration of Ban:Perma Reasons for the Ban:tk multiple people in spawn after fulling knowing the FF rule. Demo Provided?: N Comments: I had previously warned people about the TK rule. He decided to shoot and kill about 9 of his teammates after the warning. I perma banned on site.
  9. Evo, I believe that section of the BAR Lounge is locked for others. I've moved our list of Admins out and threw it in the lounge for everyone to see. New link is here.
  10. AAAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDD Pre ordered... Along with getting a PS3 lol
  11. I'm getting this game for sure. Most likely for PS4 though lol
  12. Annnnnd Harding is out.. Wonderful
  13. +1 Harding killed it tonight.
  14. ^ this guys signature.... What. The. Actual. Fuck.
  15. False. Wild. Get it right Mamora
  16. Hey man glad to see you are back at it in the pub! BAR is, as you might know, an invite only clan supporting the 1st MRB. I am currently on LOA but I have put the officers of BAR (Evo, Imp, and Ultranator) in charge of all BAR related matters for the time being. As for right now they're aware that you would like to join BAR but all I can tell you is keep playing, act maturely by following the rules and informing pubbers who are breaking them. ~Cl!cK
  17. I think this is a great thing to bring up Wells and I thank you for doing it! My 16 year old cousin has Autism, as of right now he has the learning capabilities of a 6 year old or close to it. It breaks my heart but I know my uncle, aunt and two cousins go through extreme measures to make sure he gets the help he needs. Every time we have a family gathering I hang out with him and watch Toy Story, his favorite movie. He is always so full of life and happy when I see him but I know there are times when he can be out of control. There are two things my uncle's family fears most for him, bullying and the future. I am disgusted when I hear about people, even teachers, harassing children and adults with special needs. They are human just like everyone else, they like the same foods and like to watch movies. I have always told my uncle that if I ever see someone making fun of or harassing him I will make sure the person pays dearly. I know my family and I love him to death and will do anything to help him.
  18. I just saw a comment on an article about this earlier talking about racial profiling. Seriously at times like this. I can understand, because of the fear set by 9/11, that a person may "jump the gun" when blaming another person for something like this. Out of fear we sometimes do things we may not do when we are calm. To be honest I may have done the same thing or have done something completely different. I'm not entirely sure because I have never been a situation like this before. I know when 9/11 hit I was in the 6th grade, still a young kid with a lot of questions in floating around in my brain on why people would do something so horrible. Regardless I believe in a little term call "no stone left unturned" making sure that we check all leads, even if they are believed to be "racial profiling" unless it's clear that they had nothing to do with the situation. Also Evo I agree, their so called protests in the "name of god" have run its course.
  19. I get what you're saying Logue and I really think it's dependent on the kind of person you are. Everyone has their own way to cope in response of these actions. I myself am filled with shock, disbelief, and anger but in the end I know that we should be doing everything we can to show the bastards who did this that we are not afraid. I also had the same feeling when I heard there were few fatalities but seeing the amount of wounded brought my anger right back up. As I was looking at news clips last night there was a doctor discussing his reactions. He stated that this style of bombing is something you hear about going of in Afghanistan or Iraq. I know that it is unclear as to who did this but frankly I would like to hear more from the hero's who ran towards the injured rather than running away. I am not saying that I believe the people who ran are cowards in anyway! I think that Craig Ferguson had a valid point saying that the person or people who did this are terrorists and nothing more. They are no soldier, they are cowards. I know I will probably get yelled at for this because it's to early to tell. But my response, no matter what kind of attack it was domestic or foreign, they still planted fucking bombs that blew up killing innocent people in the streets of Boston. I don't care if it was for some fucking rebellion, these explosions were meant to kill/harm as many people as possible. Regardless I know that the United States will remain strong as it has been for years and we will find out who is responsible. My thoughts and prayers continue to go out to those who are effected. Here is a link to what Craig Ferguson said about the bombings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQu47a2HNrc
  20. If I had been there, I would have been right there helping those people in what ever way I could. Yes, we need to find out who did this but at the same time we need to get this under control and assist the people who have been injured with the care they need. This bombing was meant to cause panic and looking at the many comments I have read online and from talking to people it has seemed as though the culprit(s) has/have succeeded. You want to fight against the assholes who did this, keep your head on a damn swivel and be aware of your surroundings. Just my 2 cents. I know it has been over said by many but my prayers are with the families effected.
  21. My favorite part out of any one the disks was when Winters took command at the crossroads in Holland I believe. On October 5, 1944, a German force launched an attack on the 2nd Battalion's flank, and threatened to break through the American lines. At the same time, four men in an Easy Company patrol were wounded. Returning to the headquarters, they reported that they had encountered a large group of Germans at a crossroads about 1,300 yards (1,200 m) to the east of the company command post. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Winters took one squad from 1st Platoon, and moved off toward the crossroads, where they observed a German machine gun firing to the south, toward the battalion headquarters. After surveying the position, Winters then led the squad in an assault on the gun crew. Soon after taking the position, the squad took fire from a German position opposite them. Estimating that this position was held by at least a platoon, Winters called for reinforcements from the rest of the 1st Platoon, and led them in an assault. Later it was discovered there were at least 300 Germans. Just something I wanted to share and thought it was cool.
  22. Its out this weekend.. I might have to get it the game play looks cool. I've actually never played simcity before though, anyone know what it's like? I have watched some gameplay but I would like to know a bit more :/
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