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Everything posted by ClickClickahShit

  1. ah woopsie
  2. can not BELIEVE no one has put this up! come on guys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0...ayer_detailpage
  3. Laughed so hard when I read this!
  4. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6420466/...m-with-jeggings
  5. Im just kinda gettin into dubstep shit... this is a good one
  6. Remember to get your BOOST on or this could happen: or Im sure you have seen these commercials lol
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3Dx-hri_x8 Remember MOUNTAIN TOP!
  8. Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmEXbgVmzR0...feature=related I would die of laughter if someone would play this when they enter the server... I dont know how to make those sound bits or whatever they are..
  9. Check this out guys!
  10. Hey guys I just finished Splinter Cell: Conviction (cause it was cheap at Walmart lol), does anyone know of any other good games to last me until L.A. Noire the new rockstar game lol can be anything for PC and Xbox those are the only two systems I have lol ty guys
  11. Dasboschitt is the best G-Mod movie maker iv seen so far lol new vid here: He made over 200,000 subs... SUB TO HIM!! plz
  12. I beat the game but i had to play it with a couple of people over vent just like that guy did lol it was intense thats all i gota say...
  13. Name:"WaƒƒenBruÐer [FIN]" Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:2393892 Reasons: TK, annoying pubbers, and trying to kill people with nades. Recommended time: up to you guys Demo: naw
  14. I found this game and this video awesome and hilarious... The game, Amnesia, is one of the scariest games out there. In this game you wake up in the middle of this castle which turns into this guys house where he tortures prisoners trying to get this special power. Anywhos anyone who is interested in playing i believe you can get it on Steam. Again its awesome!! Play the game with the lights off I dare ya Awesome vid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loSzpvq73FY
  15. Got to drunk this holloween...
  16. I cant stop watching these videos they are fuckin awesome.. This is just one of the videos: check out the rest
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