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Everything posted by ClickClickahShit

  1. Victoria Soto saved numerous lives by covering her children in the classroom. All I can say is my heart goes out to all those who suffered from this horrific tragedy.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20673939 Seemed like a good man. My condolences go out to the family.
  3. RAWR I hate the new layout... Changing shit that doesn't need to be changed.. It's like they hired steams creative team made up of a bunch of retarded monkeys.. Okay they are not that bad but you get my point. End of rant.
  4. The game is literally turning into that south park episode.. Next we will see them playing with balloons and bras. The main reason (I am just venturing a guess) is that they want to try and prevent more injuries. I can see how the kick off is 'dangerous' because you are running a full sprint into about 4 or more blockers which could fuck up even the strongest man's body. However, the sport is all about risk, its why they are paid the big bucks to go out there and give it all they got. They already made the kick off less risky with the placement of the ball being moved up 5 or 10 yards (can't really remember if that's what it was). I love kick off, personally I believe that it's the best part of the game seeing Percy Harvin run past the opponent and waltz into the endzone like a boss. Ironic though because as I am talking he was placed on the injury reserve that was caused by a kick off return if I remember correctly. I don't like this idea, however I can see the reasoning behind what they are trying to do. I would much rather watch my favorite players than seeing them on the bench because of some injury. But like I said before, football is all about the risk and they take a risk every time they step onto the field.
  5. I realize im a little late..
  6. I just don't eat.. HEALTHY! not really lol but that sucks man D: hope your days gets better!
  7. Chess! jk Borderlands 2
  8. Ahh damn it..
  9. Game is epic all I have to say.. Pretty challenging but great game!
  10. did you get it for xbox or pc?
  11. Helllllz yes!
  12. Nice work Mr. Giraffe! Look forward for more to come
  13. I will be up monday at Midnight for the game to release, then I will be up all of Tuesday.. Fuck classes, kill targets. Oh and Yama, I feel that and online mode would be like assassins creed. I never really liked that style of multiplayer, just felt weird. I mean I like how they are letting people create their own contracts and putting them online for others to try. In a sense that is their multiplayer
  14. Greetings Lead Farmer, I would like to add onto a little of what Parker was saying. I just wanted to make sure you and everyone else know that I am making sure my BAR members know about this. It upsets me that BAR members were a part of this. I have talked to the majority of BAR members and will continue to warn our members about this. I want to thank you for bringing this up to our attention. -Cl!cK
  15. My friends the time is almost here! 11 days Anyone else stoked for this?!
  16. Just to let you guys know there is an issue with server admin. I have talked to a few people who had it and now it says "you do not have access". Just raising the issue.
  17. Sorry for the late comment my friend! Glad to see you are okay and welcome back
  18. 8 hours!!!!! http://www.naturalselection2.com/ asdhglakjfg;ldskjf'ja ]jajorhaejrlakjsdfglkjafgkjgf so excited
  19. Damn it SUPA Y U NO represent BAR with a better score! Have I taught you nothing!! actually I haven't taught you anything... p.s. nice vid
  20. Hey guys I have an issue where when I enter a building with fire and stuff around it i get a flashing yellow screen.. I might have a seizure lol anyone know how i can fix it? I can send you my spec you just need to let me know how I do it lol. here is a picture of it though: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...s/?id=102695589
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