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Everything posted by ClickClickahShit

  1. I'm not sure if you fixed it at all.. I had the same problem, actually with both new vegas and fallout 3. I tried everything and nothing worked for me until I did a factory reset, installing only the games I wanted to play, and it works fine for me now. I know there are a lot of ways to do it, editing your config file or starting the game from windows xp. The issue is the game is not compatible with windows 7 (it says so on the steam page for the game). If you go on youtube or any sort of forums (search your problem in google) you will find a possible solution.
  2. Happy birthday my good man! I hope you like the cake I fedexed to you.. wait.. shit
  3. Happppppy birthdayyyyy haveee a great day!
  4. Are you shitting me.. We have snow in Fargo. I hate this fucking place lkasjdglhas;khga'fkjhs'dfjhsdfh
  5. Rest in Peace! My condolences to the family
  6. For some reason the youtube app thing fucked up my sound..
  7. Happy Burfday
  8. anyone have a video of the min/SF game when the refs had their thumbs up their ass giving a challenge call to the team when they had no time outs left AFTER an interception from us to challenge the PREVIOUS play not even the interception. I'm wondering, maybe these refs are doing this on purpose to show the NFL that they should just give the damn officials on strike their money cause they really need to come back lol
  9. Happy Birthday doood
  10. Name: tardykid Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:1664580 Duration of Ban: perma Reasons for the Ban: Wallhacking Demo Provided?: No it was obvious Comments: The man was following them with his sights through a wall.
  11. Name: Vanhacker Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:1007694 Reasons for the Ban: excessive teamwounding and disregard for server rules Recommended duration of ban: I banned him for a week but would like for it to be bumped up to perma because he has been banned for this before. He knows the server rules yet continues to break them. Demo Provided?: N
  12. last one freaked me out... Paul Ryan: Alien
  13. That is all.
  14. Just pre ordered the game! Looks very cool and much similar to the 1st one with the exceptions of a few tweaks.
  15. could invest in some lotion just saying lol
  16. Name: sv_cheats 1 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:26150992 Reasons for the Ban: I was called into the server by Teabagger who told me a lot of people were complaining of this guy. They all claimed he was hacking. Recommended duration of ban: Perma if you find evidence in the demo. Demo Provided?: Y- http://www.mediafire.com/?halfdkhyr4rcnii Ticks: 1800-2000 2900-3300 19500-21400
  17. I was the first to say it haha 12:01 boooyaaa Have a good one amigo!
  18. Gratz on the boy Dillion and good choice on the career change! Hope all goes well for you in the future too!
  19. Comes out tonight!!! already preordered it so I get it 3 days early Going to be freaking sweet! Engineer Charr all the way
  20. Congratz mannnnnnnn
  21. with a pair of those barber's giant scissors
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