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Everything posted by ClickClickahShit

  1. no thunder stealing here my man Simply posting the vid... okay maybe a little unintentional thunder stealing.. I apologize :|
  2. Yea I agree with that, I just hope that the controls will feel better than Hitman Blood Moneys did.
  3. Xbox 360 or PC which one should I go with when it comes to buying it... Oh and Kang if you watch any of the other gameplay it's all based after blood money. Buildings are modern, weapons are modern, and so are vehicles.
  4. I know someone had posted something way earlier about it but here is a demo of one level.. This game is going to be sick and I can't wait. No school work will get done when this game releases.
  5. Sick game started playing the beta and can't stop.. I forgot how much CS use to make me rage so hard almost to the point of throwing things out my window..
  6. Wait whatttt there was a BAR and 1st MRB realism that I missed... What kind of fearless leader am I.. Nay I shall make up for this, I shall lead my team to victory or I will buy ice cream for all BAR members if I do not.
  7. From what I heard by doing a review for a college project, CS: GO is going to revamp all the shit that was wrong with CS:S. Improvements to make hacking extremely hard to do. Much much more competitive atmosphere and new types of games. I'm defiantly going to get it even though I dont play CS:S but because counter strike was the first computer game I decided to really play that and roller coaster tycoon... I would suggest this game if you liked CS:S. Also the new multi-player feature allows you to create a dedicated server much like halo which could cause some problems for people.
  8. I think he is referring to his most recent name change back to Ducky MoMo. I'll make a post about it real quick. But I'm like 80% sure that's it lol
  9. holy balls thats badass lol
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Burfday
  12. defiantly thought the same thing
  13. Not for me, nope nope nope...
  14. Happy Birthdayyy
  15. Grab a pack of undies cause this shits about to go down... I wonder how many bags of milky ways one could find in this (If you dont know what that means click here)
  16. Name: Magic Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:125567 Reasons for the Ban: I banned him permanently but I meant to ban him only for a week for tking people while leaving spawn intentionally. My apologizes for this. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: Lafy was there
  17. Amnesia: Dark Descent
  18. He's like superman, by day he works at best buy helping people buy overpriced shit and by night he's out saving the wildlife and kicking peoples' asses! Or doing what ever the hell he does.
  19. Lived in MN all my life.. I still get pissed that every time I say boat people laugh cause I stretch out that fucking o... Also did anyone else hear Engle's name in that video working at best buy?
  20. Got the game sick ass game so far
  21. I like him as a golfer, I don't like him as a person. He has been working hard to improve his game but firing his long time caddie didn't seem like the right thing to do imo. Rory all the way (even though he hasn't been playing well)
  22. nice kaba always a pleasure seeing you around
  23. alrighty ill stop by the store and pick it up tomorrow after work..
  24. I heard this was a sick game.. Should I get it for PC or Xbox. Which one do you guys think would be better.
  25. Congratz ladies and gents! The 1st MRB truly deserves it!
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