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Everything posted by ClickClickahShit

  1. Liv your use of periods annoys me, and you annoy me. I find your statements one sided and I can't believe you compared a game like diablo to COD, which I might add has none of the same features than that hunk of shit. The issue is plain and simple, there are people who love diablo and there are people who don't. I hate blizzard and I still love playing the game because it is interesting and every dungeon is different. You really think I would let some dimwitted person who has a grudge against blizzard really stop me from playing the game, my answer would be FUCK NO. Blizzard has a monopoly over the gaming industry when it comes to these kinds of games. If you believe that everyone will flock to Torchlight because it has the same game play as Diablo and is cheaper than you are sorely mistaken. Be my guest and try it out because I saw what happened to Starwars and their quest to triumph over WoW, it didn't end well for them.
  2. Okay before this gets off to some serious topic here, I sent it to him as a joke. IF I wanted to go hunting for wolves I MUST apply and I am extremely busy. So I will probably not be hunting for these awesome creatures. Bickford I have nothing but respect for your opinions but I see nothing wrong in hunting animals that are overpopulated.
  3. I think I may have shat my pants there wells.. thank you for that extremely accurate picture of Engle
  4. Happy Fucking Birthday! lulz no seriously happy birthday man.. hopefully the Minnesota skies stays clear for you tonight
  5. Someones has to manage the hooligans that make up BAR
  6. Agree on the servers going down.. But overall fun game.. still a noob and on act II
  7. I feel like they should no arms because they go through the same kind of pandemic when World of Warcraft releases a new game... This is bush league compared to it lol
  8. IcyWieners#1937
  9. Found this on YouTube.. Has to be one of the best YouTube series I've seen in a while.
  10. Now I know it's not the 1st MRB or anything but I believe that these guys should have a holiday after them.. These guys deserve all the respect and if you don't know who I am talking about I URGE you to click here and or go purchase Band of Brothers. Believe me you will learn a lot. There are still some of the men alive today but most have passed away including Major Dick Winters. Thank you men of Easy Company P.S. I'm supposed to be studying for a final in which I took adderall to help me study all night.. It ended up in an all night marathon of Band of Brothers, woopsies... FUCK IT lets see how I do on this exam
  11. You ever had a game that you though you put behind you because you felt you had beaten every thing it had to offer? Well, Skyrim is that game for me. I have done all the main quest line and felt as though I have completed all the side quest lines such as the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild. When I picked the game back up just to see maybe just MAYBE I missed something, I kept finding more and more quests... DAMN YOU SKYRIM AND YOUR AWESOMENESS!!! That is all
  12. Name: {{Ħβ§]Cr4zy fIsH3rM4n Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:40440319 Reasons for the Ban: team killed 4 people and left Recommended duration of ban: up to admin Demo Provided?: N Mellot was there.. if he remembers it, he was kind of drunk.
  13. Make me sick this is even happening in this world. To bully a child that is not only special but cannot defend himself just shows what kind of a ignorant coward a person really is. I'm glad you posted this Wells people should really see this. And also my question is did the teacher know this was occurring on a regular basis. If so, the teacher should be penalized.
  14. I have updated my drivers and ATI Radeon HD 5700 series Intel i5 processor and its 64 bit operating system... Idk if that covers the specs :| lol
  15. Name: ClickClickaShit Rank: BAR Type of issue: Hardware/Software Brief Description of Issue: It seems that when I play skyrim now the graphics are a little off.. I don't really know how to explain it but I took a few screen shots: ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: McDowell Supporting Technician: A. Al-Jefri
  16. I have seen applications for jobs where the employer actually asks you for your facebook information. That's what gets me lol
  17. I just want to hear peoples opinions on this. I am currently applying for a job which will be at the company I want to work at when I have graduated and left college. As of right now I am applying for an internship basically but afterwards it will be more like supply chain management. I am lucky enough to have the opportunity because my father is president of sales and is my connection. However, he assures me that if I don't clean up my Facebook profile I will most likely not get the job. Now what he saw was this, a picture of me sipping on a Pacifico and in the background is Mexico's palm trees and such CLEARLY not in Minnesota (Also I may have put Barney the pink dinosaur as my inspirational person for funnzies but I fixed that one). Now I can see that at first glance, with the beer in my hand, that an employer could think I am a RAGING alcoholic (jk im not). However, if you were to meet me in real life and get to know me I am quite the opposite. When it comes to work where I am in a professional atmosphere I will act professional. All I am saying is that I think it's unfair that employers will come to a decision to terminate, deny, or whatever based on what they have seen from a Facebook profile page and not by what they see in an interview. I mean yes I have done some stupid shit before but haven't we all. Anywhos just wanted to hear peoples opinions on Facebook in the working world. ~Cl!cK
  18. Name: "Industry" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:13542781 Reasons for the Ban: T/Ked 2 people in spawn and left Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks.. up to administrator Demo Provided?: N Chef Gumby was there
  19. Happy Birthday bud
  20. I think I am going to have to post a couple hundred posts saying "I rule!" to get to my 12th level paladin
  21. Name: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/72651 Multiple names and hes chaning them to quickly Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:48026445 Reasons for the Ban: impersonation of unit and bar members Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Maines was there
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