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Distinguished Civilian
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About Misenhimer

  • Birthday 06/11/1984

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  • Location
    Southern California

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Misenhimer's Achievements

Forum Greenhorn

Forum Greenhorn (6/91)



  1. Hey guys, It was fun playing with you all again. well, Im off to my next duty station in Germany and im not sure weather i'll be able/ have the time to play with you all. If things go well you will see me on after a few weeks of me getting settled at my company. Cya all later and take care!
  2. Awsome work man. seeing the before and after pictures makes me want to build something. but i probably wont because im a lazy bastard lol. you can make some good money building and selling those online.
  3. Scarlette Johanson... or rachel roxxx lol
  4. Ford. this is exactly what came to mind when i read the Post Title. LMAO
  5. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. Whats up everyone. ive just gotten back from my OSUT (one station unit trainning) and am now here to instill some DISIPLINE in some privates. D.S quote: "I see. so you privates want to play games huh? ive got more games that the parker brothers! Halfright, FACE!"
  7. it took me a while of stareing to realise that said 1st MRB. i think you should use an easy to read text in Black or white. everything else looks great!
  8. I think i was in 4th grade at the time. NOW PLAY SOME "NAUGHTY BY NATURE"! haha.
  9. Misenhimer


    in that case, you may have to stay overnight at a hotel. i did it all in one go and they had me take the ASVAB and TAPAS the first day, stay ovenight and the physical the next.
  10. Misenhimer


    DO NOT drink coffee or any energy drinks, it will raise your blood pressure aswell as your heart rate, those are the 2 things they will check first. and if you have a heartrate of 100 beats per a min and up you'll get DQ'd. DO NOT suddenly remember being sick, breaking any bones, dental work or anything that is not already listed in the paperwork you filled out with your recruiter. If you do, your MEPS visit will end there and you will be sent home to get the proper paper work and waivers if need be. say "yes sir, no sir or yes ma'am, no ma'am" to the people, military personel and ESPECIALY the Doctors, seeing how they will be the ones that will give you the Go or No Go. You and about 12 other people will be in a room dressed down to your underwear where you will be asked to perform things such as the "Duck Walk", stretches (to make sure all your joints work properly) and things that may hurt or be uncomfortable such as walking on your Knees. my advise is if they ask you if you feel any pain or discumfort, say no. I would go there with a list of jobs you'd like or wouldnt mind doing, in order from most disired to least. that way if they dont have the job you REALY want, you might be eligable for one you'd still be O.K. with. remember, after 2 years you may have the option to Re-class into something more desirable. also, RELAX!
  11. And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on..... OOOHHHHH YEAAAHHHH
  12. ive been having issues aswell.
  13. Capt. Caveman ftw!
  14. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a1f_1300117794
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