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Wizard =NEU=

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  1. Name: Wizard =NEU= Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:38936061 Date & Time of ban: Couple of days ago. Admin who banned you: Don't know Excuse for the Unban: Uh not sure why I was banned, Wingate just informed me a few days ago about it and told me to come on to here to post a unban, I really only bought this game cause Wingate had asked me to other then that I just play TF2 with him under our clan tag NEU. I understand that I was being disrespectful to SSgt. Le I think and I already apologize for that and when I was asked to stop I did and even got a kick for it. I do remember Le was the one that message me first though so I responded with a smart comment. Not sure if that was the reason why because I was warned and I stopped, Wingate also mentioned something about me hacking, Wingate is my neighbor he lives on my street and hes been to my house and watch me play tf2 and css you can ask him if I hack or not. Also I don't find the point in hacking in a game that I recently just bought and don't even know if I like it or not. Idk if this will help my hacking problem but I use to play 1.3 for cal and everything and I still play 12 mans for css and lans so that maybe can explain why I did well in dods for my first time playing. I've been playing fps since I was like 9 so I can say I'm pretty decent at fps games. Wingate also said that you had a member named miller that did even better then me the first time he pubbed and ended up not being ban so I don't get why you guys are banning me. If its about disrespecting Le you can ask him I did personally message him to apologize I just didn't like how he acted all that because he knifed me even though his score wasn't that great. I think one of your members saved the chat log so you guys can view that if ya like it shows that Le was the first one to talk trash to me or you can ask him yourselves.
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