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S. Richards

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Richards

  1. First off, happy New Years and I hope everyone is doing great. Been a few since I've been on here. I was curious what you guys would be doing in terms of occupation in Star Citizen. Trader? Bounty Hunter? Miner? I've personally sunk roughly $2,000 into this hype train to start up a pirate fleet.
  2. your rap is whack, just like the crack you be smoking. Dem warby parker glasses ain't be helping you with dem versace rap game classes. You better confront your drug dealer, because the shit he got you smoking makes you sound like the asian Wac Miller. *Drops Mic*

  3. That and from the looks of it the US soldier outweighed the Canadian in body mass alone by about 40lbs......... Considering he could have taken off his flak jacket, harness and sidearm during the contest, i'd say it was his fault. Also being bigger would give him an advantage no? Especially if it's muscle mass. Our SOP's don't allow us to relinquish weapons in an environment such as that. You could always research this before attempting to debate on a level above you, considering you've never served and know nothing of actual service or anything pertaining to such. The soldier does look bigger, I'll give you that. But like I said, he's a nasty soldier, they're bred for barely meeting physical standards and not to mention an occupational force meant to sit on their asses all day. Put a Marine with some intestinal fortitude in there.
  4. Better than doing forum work all day bwahahaha!
  5. Lol, considering the US Soldier was wearing an extra 40 lbs of gear while the Canadian was not. Bwahahaha! Put a hard charging Marine in there with a full combat load and couple days of no sleep running off of Ripits.
  6. Independence day beats Canada day 100x's over. Everyone knows 'Merica's fireworks are much better then Canada's shitty sparklers and bottle rockets.
  7. S. Richards


    Ribbons aren't centered over your shooting badge. Demerit.
  8. I for one, cannot wait until we get oil refineries up and running so protecting our crude oil assets over there become null. That's all it really revolves around over there, nothing more. We want democracy to flourish over there so resources become obtainable much easier. It's just assinine though, to assume that Syria won't revert back to an infidel hating dictatorship within two years of Assad being overthrown if it comes to fruition. Besides that, I think it would be much more efficient to send in PMC's like Blackwater (Now Academi), Triple Canopy and Aegis to overthrow Assads regime instead of directly arming the same militants that will turn against us, not to mention it's much more economical, more bang for your buck. If your gonna tie a nations name to one side of a civil war we have no business in and send support to backstabbers, you might as well it do it correctly and in utmost preventative fashion. But I digress, it makes much more sense for my tax dollars to go to arming the same people that might very well get me recalled back to service in the next few years just to be killed by the same weapon I bought for them. I find the irony in this to be very egregious.
  9. (1) No. (2) Because. (3) D. All of the above.
  10. G.I. Jane, Courage under Fire, G.I. Joe, The Lucky One, Battlefield Los Angeles, too many other great movies to count... ...oops, forgot The Marine with John Cena...
  11. You have partaken in a "sausage" at one point of your life? Interesting indeed...
  12. You gay bro? Lucky Strikes and copenhagen black "pre-treated" with crown royal. Skoal Vanilla was pretty good when they made it, but everybody knows: They didn't keep that skoal baby...
  13. Aliens, you nitwits.
  14. Socks, gotta have a comfort barrier between me and surprises on the floor.
  15. Call up Cousin Vinny.
  16. I fought alongside a Canadian once, he allowed me to sacrifice myself with a bazooka because he was too much of a coward to clear the building. It was 2011, in a place called Kolsch. His name was Benjamin Parker.
  17. Too strong to open a Monster effectively.
  18. A logical fallacy is assuming going to school makes you intelligent, when it only serves to make you educated. Scholars don't advise politicians on how to run military campaigns, Generals do, given that I would have to say for you to casually write this man off as having no knowledge of what he speaks of through experience is rather laughable. You know when you assume you only make an ass out of you and me, correct? The gain/profit from the Christian Crusades was to reclaim the sacred holy land in Jersualem from Muslims. You reclaim the land, force the opposition out and who stands to argue with your power and stand in your way? Not many, hence easy proliferation in wealth from the region. You understand politics back then works like today, right? If the social reasoning i.e general population under which you rule/advocate power wants you to do something, you do it to stay in power and profit. You speak of other variables that allow war's to be waged which is the basis of how they are given opportunity in the first place and why so many draft dodging politicians stand to profit from it. "Oh it's not just money, it's for religion." "Oh, it's not just for world domination and power, it's to annihilate entire ethnicities that caused us economic instability." Answer me this, why waste valuable resources and money in a war unless you see a return? There may be variables, but put them on a flow chart and I guarantee one way or another it all flows back to personal gain and profit.
  19. That "guy" was a highly decorated, two time Medal of Honor recepient U.S. Marine Major General. May I ask of your expertise in this area of such topics you know, besides going to college, sitting on the sidelines and such? It all rotates back to profit. No profit, no war. It's as simple as that. People just don't wage war for the sake of population control. Point me to a war that wasn't a conquest of territory, resources, ideals or money.
  20. Thinner = Easier to break. I didn't go to college either.
  21. For better or for worse that's basically what it boils down to. It would be nice to keep the military stateside and the taxpayers money going to more productive things though.
  22. I'll get there once my first four figure weekly check is cut by the Command Staff. At this rate I think it's 2 years of backpay, plus interest, and a court settlement for whoever was tampering with my mail and stealing those checks.
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